• #43177
Sidled up alongside the man like Cupcakes on King William Street this morning and treated him to my creepiest do a skid rendition. we then proceeded to ride around the city en route to farringdon like motherfudging bosses until he did a naughty and rode through the middle of smithfields rather than around it... RED!
• #43178
Double tap track standing 5mm away from the rear of a double decker bus on the OKR this morning. All I could mange was "OI!". Sorry I didn't wait to roll with you I was late for a meeting..
Which was fucking cancelled.. Wankers.
• #43179
Sidled up alongside the man like Cupcakes on King William Street this morning and treated him to my creepiest do a skid rendition. we then proceeded to ride around the city en route to farringdon like motherfudging bosses until he did a naughty and rode through the middle of smithfields rather than around it... RED!
Ive seen this chap, he is boss
• #43180
Rode through town during morning rush hour for the first time in a while. Spotted:
1 lady nearly getting squished under a lorry who then called me a cunt when I politely pointed out the dangers of undertaking long vehicles.
8, yes 8 other cyclists undertaking a lorry at the same time just as the lights turned green and it was indicating left.
1 cyclist (me) in a world of his own, missing a red light and nearly hitting a ped. Apologies from me were profuse and forthcoming. He was quite rightly a little irked.
About a million and a half hybrid riders under and overtaking me and otherwise racing me over ten or twenty metre intervals until they got tired and other general dickishness.
I've been away from the rat run for too long...I've lost my edge.
• #43181
On CS7 near Stockwell this morning I saw a guy pushing an unmarked grey bike with a yellow trailer - labelled 'Courier' at the back, and 'Leicester's Green Courier' on the side.
Long way from Leicester.
• #43182
Dude with forum cap ghost riding a bike down holloway road towards highbury corner just after 5, couldn't resist a DAS, hai!
• #43183
A chap on what looked like chainbreakers katana but with risers riding through primrose hill this morning. I was roadied up in stealth black lycra.
Oh and a bob jackson lopro locked up near the waitrose on finchley road
• #43184
Sidled up alongside the man like Cupcakes on King William Street this morning and treated him to my creepiest do a skid rendition. we then proceeded to ride around the city en route to farringdon like motherfudging bosses until he did a naughty and rode through the middle of smithfields rather than around it... RED!
I walked it! You are libeling me like an anti-boss (and maybe slandering, too, depending if you're reading your posts out loud to yourself).
Have you ever tried to ride through Smyth Fielde? You'd probably end up getting a talking to from a forklift* driver.
*Not a euphIve seen this chap, he is boss
• #43185
Followed a chap south as far as clapham on a beautiful bike - looked like Ti and had hammered guards. One on the nicest fixed wheel road bikes I've seen in a long time. Was going at a fair lick too so gratefully tucked in behind (not a euph)
• #43186
Spotted - https://twitter.com/#!/KevinJRawlinson/status/149192489742508032/photo/1 - I don't know who it was, but I was super pleased to see forum presence at tonights vigil, even if from afar.
So sad that I couldn't get there. Thanks to all who went there for other cyclists,
• #43187
Brave brazenly jumping the red lights on the E&C roundabout earlier this evening. My shout of "RED!" stopped him in his tracks.
• #43188
I may have called him a tart too.
• #43189
that's cliveo - still representing the forum while on his self imposed flounce exile
missmouse, photoben, shinigami, lolabelle and a few more in attendance.
am always surprised at how few lfgss members go to campaigning events such as this
• #43190
DJ, Missmouse, Photoben, Tibs, Lolabelle, Puech and other friends at Kings Cross at 6.
"A few more".
• #43191
On CS7 near Stockwell this morning I saw a guy pushing an unmarked grey bike with a yellow trailer - labelled 'Courier' at the back, and 'Leicester's Green Courier' on the side.
Long way from Leicester.
Maybe he was one of those young people who say 'I'll meet you at Leicester' when they mean Leicester Square (overheard recently).
• #43192
Thanks to whomever stopped to ask if I needed help by the ice rink on Lea Bridge Road around 1910 this evening. I was having lock ring issues.
• #43193
that's cliveo - still representing the forum while on his self imposed flounce exile
missmouse, photoben, shinigami, lolabelle and a few more in attendance.
am always surprised at how few lfgss members go to campaigning events such as this
DJ, Missmouse, Photoben, Tibs, Lolabelle, Puech and other friends at Kings Cross at 6.
"A few more".
Good to see you too and ojeffcott. Some great photos here - http://flic.kr/s/aHsjxutykk (some showing cliveo's fancy candle). -
• #43194
that's cliveo - still representing the forum while on his self imposed flounce exile
missmouse, photoben, shinigami, lolabelle and a few more in attendance.
am always surprised at how few lfgss members go to campaigning events such as this
People have their own way of paying respects and campaigning for reform.
When myself and a few friends went to lay flowers a few weeks ago at the site where a friend died near Westbourne Park we took half of the flowers and left them at the site at which Deep died. We prayed for all cyclists who have died in London. All but one of us also tip our caps when passing ghost bikes. Paying respect is a very personal thing and some people are not comfortable doing so in large groups. Don't be surprised that there is not a larger turnout.
I think it is notable that several of the people who attended tonight did not tell me that they were going when I saw them earlier in the evening when I asked them what they were up to. I feel this is a reflection of the personal nature of relating to a fatality.
I understand that the purpose of today is also to show solidarity and strength against the causes of accidents such as these. However, not everybody agrees as to the best approach to prevent them happening in the future. This means that some people prefer to stay apart from organised rallies like this.
Our non attendance does not signify a lack of concern or despair at the current situation.
In my personal case, my lack of attendance signifies concern that I hear people constantly talking about removing the threat of lorries but few people seem to talk about resolving the fact that I saw no less than 9 people, 6 of them ladies, undertaking lorries on my way to training this morning. This is a deeply personal and emotive subject for many, certainly not for the spotted thread but please don't express disappointment that more people did not come to join you tonight. I don't know of anybody in our community who doesn't care deeply about this cause. We just have our different ways of expressing it.
• #43195
Not sure I agree with everything stonehedge says but he has a point. Am also impressed by his ability to drunk type.
Also, RED! you commuter racing tosser. I saw it. And the unflattering wet crack of your 'competitor'.
• #43196
I hope I haven't offended anybody...will happily delete post if I've crossed a line. I know this isn't the thread for it. Just wanted to indicate my feelings on why more people may not have turned up tonight.
Anyway, if ok with all, spotted...
• #43197
I am not offended but I don't think I agree either. DJ wasn't talking about paying respects after all - he was talking about campaigning events. I have to admit, I too find it surprising that we have all the rider down threads and yet only ever a handful of forumengers getting involved with lobbying/campaign work.
Of course everyone is entitled to pay respects, mourn, pray, campaign or ignore the issues as they wish though.
As for your point about crap cycling - sure, this is an issue and no one denies that (groups like ours are constantly advocating cycle training/this forum discusses dangerous cycling) but to suggest the problem doesn't mostly lie with these extremely dangerous HGVs tearing around our too-narrow streets is, in my view, wrong and it perpetuates the idea that we vulnerable cyclists are to blame.
• #43198
Isaac Muffin' Tibbs cycling from King's Cross towards Clerkenwell. Well executed skid.
• #43199
^^ Guys, sorry for last night's post, one should not rant after the pub! I just personally believe that I see more near misses caused by dangerous cycling than caused by road layouts or lorries. This is not to say that road layouts should not be changed and that lorry regulations should stay the same. I just feel that it will take years if not decades for you to win the lorry/road fight during which time many more people are going to die or be maimed. I personally believe that much more should be done to educate people while your good selves take on the other fight which is also extremely important.
I'll repost what I have said in the appropriate thread so that we can continue this debate in the appropriate place. For the record, I do intend to try to do something to realise my beliefs.
Back to topic!
Spotted...Dom from UCW on the way back from teh Roebuck last night. Really sorry for not recognising you mate...it really was a context thing. Ive never seen you not wearing overalls and knuckles deep in a bottom bracket shell before! NIce to see you!
• #43200
Brave brazenly jumping the red lights on the E&C roundabout earlier this evening. My shout of "RED!" stopped him in his tracks.
It was amber
I may have called him a tart too.
I thought you did as well.. I giggled like a school girl all the way home.
^ roadie's bin scobled