• #34302
Sounds like JAMIE
I saw him this morning but didn't get chance to say Oh Hai
The denim hotpants are a little disturbing
• #34303
I saw him this morning but didn't get chance to say Oh Hai
The denim hotpants are a little disturbing
You swines. But, CP is right, 6.45 is LoL. fkin hotpants...
• #34304
Harry Major on his lo-pro this morning! And Dov rolling towards Vauxhall in his, er, Vauxhall RepWagon™ last week...
• #34305
.....The denim hotpants are a little arousing
• #34306
Me. Bro hugging Catfood outside the Lukin. Men are weird.
• #34307
saffas love hugs...
We are very affectionate people.
• #34308
just got back from said lukin - oh the gay jokes i had to endure. fuckem! bro's before ho's. and young josh AGAIN outside the 'kin.
• #34310
I'm glad I bought him those denim hotpants, they are a little arousing
• #34311
beautiful geared pinarello with chrome colnago forks leaning up against the window of Pret on oxford street UNLOCKED (!!!) at around 2 today...
anyone on here?
it was swwwwweeeeeeeetttttt -
• #34312
Spotted Hobo today walking his bike through upper saint james street.
• #34313
Boris Bike TT training on rollers:
• #34314
Ralph Little on dean street at lunchtime and then a brakless dude on a bianchi concept thingy heading towards victoria an hour ago.
• #34315
Saw a nice Bob Jackson Vigorelli in Balham this morning, making good progress up the magic blue road.
• #34316
LOL @ BBTT training
had the same idea. people were looking at me funny.
• #34317
nice race / ride with a couple of other commuters from the city to lewisham tonight. sweet red single speed, had a quick chat, he on the way to lee. also an awcycles rider pushing some serious speed. not every day there's 3 of us hitting 40kmh on the flat.
• #34318
I miss good commutes - that Friday bomb in to town was one of the best I've had :( nowadays I only see brave, and even that's properly rare as it is.
• #34319
Brave was that you on the red Langster Steel that waved to me this morning in New Cross?
• #34320
nice having a drink and a chat with GR4emet last night, only works round the literal corner! who knew!
and two probable forumengers on norwood road last night. ya dassed me but i was on the fone. on the pavement i hasten to add.
• #34321
GA2G new Cross this morning (?) we waved at each other.
• #34322
yesterday stealth spot of TS heading south on kennington road, dropout heading north on kingsway and fluff heading west, then north, then east, on russell square. a less covert spot of selim - cheers for the holler dude.
and today, lucky. sorry i couldn't ride in. am using dog kennel hill to warm me up in the morning at the mo
• #34323
two probable forumengers on norwood road last night. ya dassed me but i was on the fone. on the pavement i hasten to add.
haha that was me and my flatmate, i was pretty proud of that spot actually. hello again pal!
• #34324
Oliver, dear chap; have you considered eating some meat? Or cycle training? Or simply getting enough sleep?
No, Clive, I will never be like you.
• #34325
Four forum spots today--first Rapsac and company in E1, then photoben and Clara going south across Tower Bridge as I was going north at lunchtime, then fruitbat in Coke Street, E1, on his way to a 'dodgy deal' (his words, not mine). Great morning for spotting!