• #77
That depends if Tabata is the name of the host's wife or not.
• #78
What about revolvering the right tonsil diverting the bullet down to the left testicle and ejecting it from the anus without damaging the hemorrhoids? You must be good to play pool though.
• #79
Gazebo thing £18 Argos
Yeah. That's annoyingly what I thought.
• #80
Cool thread. I love turbo work.
Will need a bigger fan when the outdoor temp goes up again though. -
• #81
I love turbo work.
• #82
Can you do a Strava segment for Tabata?
• #83
You just need to find that place in your head and shut the door to everything outside of it. Embracing your inner monkey and telling him to get fucked.
• #84
Can you do a Strava segment for Tabata?
Who's she?
• #85
A cruel mistress.
• #86
Gazebo thing £18 Argos
Brolly, £10
Having deaf neighbours = priceless.
I quite enjoy the heaving up my lungs, tunnel vision & jellied leg sensations of interval training. Not planning on doing any till after C*****mas though.
I especially like formulating new routines to try out, but then I'm sad like that.
• #87
Since when was hrist a swear?
• #88
Still too early for that word ;-)
• #89
Currently making searches like these....
https://www.google.co.uk/#hl=en&tbo=d&output=search&sclient=psy-ab&q=standing+on+rollers&oq=standing+on+rollers&gs_l=hp.3..0i30j0i8i30l2.605.6563.0.7748.,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&fp=1815624989281492&bpcl=39314241&biw=1366&bih=641 -
• #90
^ Numbness of the brain through sheer boredom, or numbness of your "gentlemen's area" ;-)
I keep meaning to set the turbo up again as my outdoor rides are becoming shorter & less frequent.
• #91
Sadly it's both. I'm overcoming the boredom aspect with the aid of youtube but the nadgers need some serious help.
• #92
Try watching a film. I took neil's secondary advice and tried it out and it's pretty good for passing the time for longer, lower intensity efforts.
I love music though, so can lose hours listening to a new album.
• #93
Good advice for the boredom but how does that help my numb knob???
• #94
I got given one of those sufferfest videos for my birthday. it makes turbo work considerably more bearable.
• #95
how does that help my numb knob???
Going by your earlier links, is this because you're unable to get out of the saddle on rollers. I've never used them, so have no idea how tricky that might be.
• #96
You saddle angle or saddle is off if your nob is going numb.
I've been there, it's not fun.Maybe it's level when both wheels are on the floor but not when strapped into the turbo, check, make sure it's level when on the turbo, or slightly down but only a tiny bit.
Also, do you stand up at all to relieve pressure? I stand every 5 mins or so for 5-10 seconds to relieve pressure. Also helps with reducing the likelihood of sores developing. -
• #97
The long and short of it (ooer misses) is that sitting in pretty much one position when on rollers is always going to cause numbness regardless of saddle position, hence my linked search above to getting out of the saddle on rollers. Until I master that skill I'll be sticking to a quick stop every once in a while and having a move about.
So far the closest I've got to getting out of the saddle and indeed riding no handed on the rollers is watching videos of other people doing it on youtube. The only skill I seem to have cracked is how to crash with minimal damage... -
• #98
It shouldn't have too, I can ride without standing without getting numbness anymore, having got my fit right.
But you could still shift forwards/back to change pressure spot, thus you don't need to get out of the saddle completely, just take a bit more weight on your feet and then you can shift your gooch. -
• #99
On the rollers: ride 10 miles in 20 min. Have a coffee. Then ride 10 miles back in 20 min, which I have yet to do.
• #100
Why the fuck does my rear wheel not stay where it should?
turbo trainer out.
bike in.
clampy clampy.
nice and tight.
rock left and right.
skewer slips out of qr cup.punch self in face.
rock. safe.
get on bike. out of saddle. bike slips.bin session before starts.
Or we could just do some MDMA and cuddle. I don't mind.