• #5552
Still, can a fall from 1m kill you? Seriously?
Yes, if you dive head first onto block of steel. It's like drowning in a an inch of water - sure, you can do it, but most people don't because they are conscious and use their limbs as shock absorbers/spacers to keep their heads out of harms way.
• #5553
Press release from CTC
Press release from The Association of Bikeability Schemes
Regarding ASA's view on helmets and riding position -
• #5554
Thankfully it appears that Cycling Scotland are going to appeal against this extraordinarily bollocks decision from the laughable ASA. I wonder if they'd like a contribution towards a fighting fund, as I'd certainly be happy to lob a few quid into the pot.
• #5555
Bombard these idiots with the two links above:
asa.org.uk -
• #5556
I see they're advertising for a Complaints Executive.
• #5557
Yes, if you dive head first onto block of steel. It's like drowning in a an inch of water - sure, you can do it, but most people don't because they are conscious and use their limbs as shock absorbers/spacers to keep their heads out of harms way.
He didn't die. I can look up some videos of people hitting heads on concrete.
Here:Head+Pavement=Bleeding Head - YouTube
He didn't die. Admitted he's a retard, though.
Drunk Guy Breaks Brick on his Head - YouTube
Even he didn't die. He obviously is a retard, though.
There's plenty more. Most don't die. So why all this scaremongering in the test video:
"Is that survivable?"
"Nah. You are dead. From 1 meter. Dead."I can understand how risky is using one's head as brakes on tarmac or lamp posts at 20+mph, but a free fall from 1m sounds bullshit.
• #5558
The Advertising Standards Authority have banned an advert by Cycle Scotland because they say it is socially irresponsible to show someone riding a bike without a helmet
• #5559
Helmets for vehicle occupants would save hundreds of lives a year.
Any advert showing unhelmeted car occupants should be banned.
• #5560
One is enough.
Also mention of ASA decision is in here: http://www.lfgss.com/thread13146-572.html
• #5561
Please merge with helmet thread.
• #5562
Impact velocity from just 1m drop is about 4.5m/s or 10mph. Doesn't sound like much, but as they always say, it's not the fall that kills you, it's the sudden stop at the bottom.
• #5563
Apparently sneezing can give you an aneurysm.
• #5564
Well I'll be damned. We agree on something DJ!
• #5565
No, please don't merge the ASA story in helmets. (too late)
The really insidious part of the ASA ruling is that it says that cyclists in adverts have to ride in the gutter (not in the way of the cars). That shouldn't be buried in this plastic hat arguing nonsense.
More here... http://www.bikebiz.com/news/read/cyclists-must-ride-in-the-gutter-wear-helmets-ad-watchdog-rules/015951
• #5566
All gymnasts should wear helmets, you know just incase they are propelled out of the arena and land head first on something that isn't a table.
• #5567
If the advert can't appear in its current form, how about actually adding more cyclists adopting primary at pinch-points, junctions, etc. followed by good passes? It would adhere to current safety advice and follow the (ill-informed, at best, or biased, at worst) ASA ruling.
• #5569
One of the last things that I actually like about living in this country is the lack of laws around things like helmets. If you want to die by not wearing a helmet, then good for you. I will always wear a helmet and will insist my daughter does too but if you're a lady and want to arrive somewhere without helmet hair or want to look like a Rapha advert climbing a col, then that's cool with me. You don't need the state to tell you that wearing a helmet is a good idea, your commonsense should tell you that.
• #5570
casually sexist, self-regarding AND condescending. you're quite the catch.
• #5571
Have you seen Keith Peats latest triumph?
He compares the casualty statistics for motorised transport to the deaths caused by breast cancer.
• #5572
That'll be the Drivers Union with the strap line:- "Profit and idiology can only fail road safety".
• #5573
"Ban this breast cancer menace"
If we could ban cancer that would be an incredible, fantastic thing.
I'm just not sure that it is the correct thing to compare to deaths and serious injuries caused by selfish inattention.
• #5574
if keith peat wasn't real someone would have to invent him.
• #5575
casually sexist, self-regarding AND condescending. you're quite the catch.
Oh the irony!
I've found this
ARF Presents: Certified vs Non-Certified Bicycle Helmet Impact Test on Vimeo
a couple of years ago, looking up helmets.
Watched it again and suddenly realized, that a fall from 1m kills you (around 0:50s in the video, 816g with non certified helmet).
Certified helmet from same height came up with 159g. So far so good.
Then look at g-force comparison at 2:08s. Erm... WTF
Car crash at 40mph - 35g? Unless it's just the decelaration the driver suffers inside, then OK, believable.
Still, can a fall from 1m kill you? Seriously?
Can a helmet reduce impact by ~650g? Really