• #4702
Was working from home and caught the man who's son is in a coma after head on with van and he is now campaigning for compulsory helmets (at least he did say it may have made no difference)
Wouldn't have been nice to grill the poor man but I would have had to ask what if he had been wearing a helmet as was in same condition, what would you be campaigning for then?And more worrying were the responses from the viewers with overwhelming straw poll results on agreement that helmets should be compulsory based on nothing but assumptions. And they are the same people that vote...
• #4703
Nah, old people vote.
• #4704
No, not particularly. But I would have thought it was past the stage of 12yr old girls. Sad really.
Puerile sexism such as this does not advance any argument and has no place on this forum.
• #4705
Was working from home and caught the man who's son is in a coma after head on with van and he is now campaigning for compulsory helmets (at least he did say it may have made no difference)
Wouldn't have been nice to grill the poor man but I would have had to ask what if he had been wearing a helmet as was in same condition, what would you be campaigning for then?And more worrying were the responses from the viewers with overwhelming straw poll results on agreement that helmets should be compulsory based on nothing but assumptions. And they are the same people that vote...
Democracy: Also for the misinformed/uninformed.
It's a fair point though what he would be campaigning for if his son has worn a helmet. All helmets tested to Snell? Taking cars with no pedestrian/cyclist crumple zones (a lot of newer cars have these) off the road?
• #4706
Everyone pretty much always does the "what ifs?" when someone cops it, if it ain't helmets it'll be something else. "What if he'd have left earlier?" "What if I'd have payed his cab fare?" "What if the cunting driver would have been paying more attention?"
As for the campaigning for compulsion, the guys kid is in a coma, he probably feels helpless and wants to try and feel like he can do something, I doubt he's going to be reading up on everything, it's an emotional thing even if he's wrong.
• #4707
sensible media company
What paper was it in?
• #4708
Making helmets compulsory would be a mistake. Personally I would never wear one for normal every day riding...
• #4709
I'm going to start wearing 2 or 3, just to be safe.
• #4710
I think that's the whole reason they exist and make money.
• #4711
. . . .
How many accidents a year leave the rider or their family saying 'I wish he hadn't been wearing a helmet' or 'he was wearing a helmet but I am fairly sure it didn't make any difference and really wouldn't advise people to bother wearing one'.Leaving aside the question of whether it is rational to wear a helmet for safety reasons, could it be rational to wear one to ensure that you or your family don't ever have the question of 'what if?' or the lingering feeling of 'I wish I'd pursuaded him to wear one'..
This is one of the crimes of cycle helmet promotion.
Something tragic happens and people understandably grasp at any straw to help ease the pain.
Instead on inquiring about the cause of the crash, the cause of the injuries and possible prevention measures people are beguiled into thinking a helmet might have made a significant difference. The perception of helmet effectiveness is so far from the reality that masses of time and resources are wasted on pursuing the least effective intervention for reducing death and injury.
Families who have been misled into believing that a helmet might have saved a life deserve much better.The other crime of helmet promotion is that it tends to put people off cycling to such an extent that the risk to general health from not having an active lifestyle far outweighs any conceivable protective benefits.
• #4712
What gets me is judges mitigating sentences against perpetually dangerous drivers due to the cyclist not wearing a helmet. If you must mitigate, surely cycle training should be they use?
(....as though that will stop an errant driver)
• #4713
What gets me is judges mitigating sentences against perpetually dangerous drivers due to the cyclist not wearing a helmet. If you must mitigate, surely cycle training should be they use?
(....as though that will stop an errant driver)
I thought that was a one off judgement that was (rightly) under review.
• #4714
Oh for fuck's sake, this shit pisses me off.
Why do people like Wiggins and Cav give the slightest fuck anyway? What the fuck are they doing making statements saying not only should everyone wear a helmet all the time but that it should be the law?!? What difference does it make to them anyway?
And headphone use? What has that got to do with anything anyway? I often ride with headphones, and I'd say it probably makes less of an effect on my ability to receive useful sensory information than wearing tinted glasses.
I mean seriously, where the fuck are they coming from? They see some oik wobbling about on a BSO paying no attention and notice they have headphones in and assume that is the cause of their poor riding, rather than their general twattishness?
What is their angle here?
Let me start that I don't think earphones should be banned otherwise Ed Scoble must be banned, too. But I must ask: I've found myself riding and have for whatever reason had to call/shout to the person riding in my vicinity rockin Dr Dre Beats like a moody footballer in their own world (maybe because I wanted to pass them or they were about to swerve into my path or something) but they couldn't hear a word I said. How do you justify this as sensible?
I don't mind headphones but I'm yet to see any of the wearers ever substitute their loss of sense by looking around them even more. Kinda grates me.
• #4715
I thought that was a one off judgement that was (rightly) under review.
I hope it is but that's not the impression I had.
• #4716
You should probably try using your eyes. I find that helps immensely.
If you're having to have a window open when navigating a roundabout in a car, then seriously it sounds like you are doing it wrong.
Given the state of some roads with potholes/craters added to the right turn I need to make up ahead; I can't afford to take my eyes off the road in front of but I'm not 100% sure about how far behind that vehicle that pulled out from that side road is behind me...
• #4718
Thanks for easing my mind on that.
• #4719
Leaving aside the question of whether it is rational to wear a helmet for safety reasons, could it be rational to wear one to ensure that you or your family don't ever have the question of 'what if?' or the lingering feeling of 'I wish I'd pursuaded him to wear one'.
.Only a 'what if?' to some people. If a member of my family had a head on with a van I would be asking a few what if's but none about wearing a helmet or not.
• #4720
Are the riders who're fussed about their hair getting messy the same riders who wobble about like lame ducks? They're the ones giving me and my 900GI a bad name. Compulsory helmet wear would remove the dippy twerps and separate the wheat from the chaff.
Keep it hard, you muthas.
• #4721
Ed Scoble must be banned
Petition? Where do we sign?
• #4722
were you born cycling like a pro, or did you wobble about like a lame duck till you learnt to do it the hard way?
Because I think you have hit the nail on the head about helmet compulsion -
• #4723
I rode out of the womb, pulled a sweet endo and did a skid on the placenta. There's no room on the roads for those who ride like Bambi, bring back the cycling proficiency test but make it hard.
None Shall Pass!
Stay hard or go home
• #4724
I think charlie_lcc is using "helmet promotion" as short hand for helmet compulsion advocacy. If you re-read his post with that in mind, you might not take it as an attack on your personal choice to wear a helmet.
• #4725
I am part of the problem
just not give a shit about my opinion
I think these are things the whole forum can get behind.
Fuck you......fuck you all.....I have perfect vision....well do not wear glasses