• #3627
Motorbike helmets now? The biggest cause of motorcycle fatalities since they were made compulsory.
What if I wore it while riding my bicycle?
What then?
• #3628
If you were to collide with a cyclist while wearing your helmet you could kill said cyclist..
• #3629
2) insert questionable scientific theory
Is risk compensation really that questionable now? Obviously, all science is questionable, that's kind of the point of the scientific method, but risk compensation is a theory with a lot of supporting data and some widely accepted models for its mechanism. Every single person who says "I wouldn't ride without a helmet" is a living breathing example of risk compensation in action.
We also know that human instinct is pretty rubbish at analysing risk properly, so in most cases people either over-compensate or under-compensate, and it's not clear which side of the line kids on bikes fall, still less whether wrapping the little buggers up in cotton wool trains them to be safer in adult life when the wraps come off.
• #3630
If you were to collide with a cyclist while wearing your helmet you could kill said cyclist..
That's because the increased head circumference makes it doubly dangerous as compared to a cycle helmet, yes?
Hm. This is all a bit of a worry.
• #3631
Motorbike helmets now? The biggest cause of motorcycle fatalities since they were made compulsory.
Is this true? I'm aware of the debate, but I'd like to see any evidence which supports your bold proposition.
• #3632
I don't see what any of this has to do with tents.
• #3633
Please don't tell Ramaye that. He is very intense.
• #3634
And as Sugar is advocating helmet wear, I now have to consider dispensing with mine.
He's also advocating license and number plates for cyclists as well.
• #3635
I have came off my bike loads of times but I never land on my head so I don't see the need in wearing a helmet. If you strengthen your shoulders enough you can put your hands out and save yourself fine without breaking anything. But yeah I have just made this up but It makes sense to me...
Maybe if you are cycling on city streets you should wear a helmet but I don't see how it will protect you from being under a car and I found wearing a helmet pretty restrictive in regards to flexibility of moving my head around.
You might ride more aggressively if you wear a helmet though so maybe you would put yourself in an increased likelihood of crashing. Also if motorists see you without a helmet they might give you more room. All speculation though. SO do/don't wear a helmet at all times!
• #3636
Haha you have just said everything that has been said in 76 pages in one post, good job!
• #3637
this has also been said 76 times (at least) in one post by many others.
Its how helmet threads work -
• #3638
I fell off and I am not sure if I hit my head. So should I wear a helmet or not, this is all so confusing.
• #3639
I've got a thread caught in my Helmet. Not sure if it'll work now.
• #3640
I've got caught in the Helmet thread. Not sure of anything now.
• #3641
You've got this thread sewn up.
• #3642
It's been suggested that wearing a helmet has a dehumanizing effect when it comes to how you're perceived by others, particularly drivers who are a bit up themselves.
For this reason – the desire to dissociate oneself from the general cuntishness of the species en masse – I'm campaigning strongly for helmet use. I'm making them compulsive.
• #3643
Helmets make you faster, ergo, only pink blouse wearers choose not to wear helmets.
• #3644
only pink blouse wearers choose not to wear helmets
• #3645
^your avatar is what Pantani would've looked like without the coke.
• #3647
Thing about risk compensation people's assessment of risk is often wrong. Your example of for the risk of riding with no lights demonstrates this. You describe cycling across town using the quiet back roads. In fact it's less risky to ride with no lights in the middle of the lane on well illuminated major roads where you will seen by being in drivers headlights and away from junction mouths.
Similarly since helmets do not stop you crashing and may make you ride more recklessly wearing a helmet may make you more likely to crash. Cycle trainers encounter people who explain all sorts of dodgy riding because they perceive it as less risky and only through slkills training are they able to be more accurate in their risk assessment. So the moral? Before considering the helmet get some cycle training :) -
• #3648
I did cycling proficiency 28years ago. Does that count?
• #3649
Time for a refresher I think ramaye. No harm and it's free
• #3650
I am finding it really rather hard to respond without being deeply offensive directly at you.
Sorry, but you are wrong.
The way I cycle at night on the rare occasions when I have no lights is safer than sticking to busier roads with better lighting, NOT LEAST BECAUSE WHEN I DO THIS I CYCLE ON VERY QUIET ROADS WHERE THERE ARE VERY FEW CARS AND I ASSUME THAT ALL CARS I COME ACROSS WILL NOT SEE ME AND THEREFORE I GET OUT OF THE WAY. When there is a junction there is almost never a car, when there is I assume it will nto see me.
Usually it's best to take the primary position so the driver will be able to see you in front of you, getting out of the way increase the likelihood of them not seeing you.
Motorbike helmets now? The biggest cause of motorcycle fatalities since they were made compulsory.