• #2727
Do it Scilly!
• #2728
Well, I've got three wheels to build and being able to do so myself would make me 99.99% self-sufficient...
It looks like I've sold a wheelset, which would cover the necessary, and I've had Jobst's book gathering dust for too long, so I might as well take the plunge!
Any tips for snowflake?
• #2729
Don't snowflake.
• #2730
Yep - do it Scilly - the money you save on building costs and not paying retail markup for spokes on the first wheel set will cover the cost of basic building tools. Profit all the way after that
• #2731
@Emyr he's trolling you!
@Scilly.Suffolk Yay wheelbuilding is SO satisfying.
• #2732
The Cycle Clinic is based in Suffolk and he's one of the best builders in the country
• #2733
general question to the thread
how long does it take you to build a wheel ?
• #2735
Took me the best part of 6 months to lace 3 wheels... :(
• #2736
I spoke to Malcolm earlier in the week (on another subject), but I don't drive and he's not local enough for me to cycle with wheels unfortunately.
• #2737
Too long. About an hour?
Took @broken_777 about 30 minutes to build one when I was shooting it for my little short film. Impressive, I thought.
Wonder how quick the pro wrenches do it on tours N stuff, when the pressure's on!
• #2738
I bet the factory builders in Taiwan are quicker.
• #2740
how long does it take you to build a wheel ?
Anywhere from 6 months to two years from arrival of the parts to getting started, after that it must be between one and two hours per wheel, usually split over a couple of evenings.
• #2741
Do nipple drivers have another name? Where can I pick one up in london? I know I can make one from a screwdriver, but cba.
• #2742
I bet the factory builders in Taiwan are quicker.
Fuck yeah, they must get like robots.
• #2743
Actually yeah maybe two hours is more realistic. Sometimes I surprise myself though (not euph).
• #2744
all comes together too quickly eh skulls?!
use an elastic band
• #2745
Damn just paid twice that from spa cycles...
• #2746
Wheelbuilding tools is 99/100 going to be mail order only.
• #2747
Build time. If you've got everything to hand then 45 mins working at speed with single layered rim or sealed double layer. Normal pace is just over an hour and around 90 mins for deep section rims when you have to feed each nipple with a guide. The P & K Lie stand makes truing a bit faster with no loss of precision. Funky patterns such as crow's foot or snowflake take a bit longer. Most I can do in a day is six i.e. three sets. But I don't like to rush as if you make mistakes then you have to backtrack which takes even more time.
• #2748
Snowflake. Measure up for a regular 3-cross then decide how many twists you want for your snowflake. Add 1mm for a single twist and 3mm for a double twist. When twisting do it gently rather than 'creasing' the spoke because as you bring up the tension the exact location of the twist will change.
• #2749
Sorry mate, as Skully guessed, I wasn't serious: it's for a 1954/5 Carlton Flyer.
I'll stick to 3x... for now... :)
• #2750
Track hub from Miche are available in 24H and 28H. They also have better geometry than the novatec hubs which other wise are pretty good.
And a 32H 3X front is the Duplo of wheelbuilding.