
Posted on
of 866
  • i really enjoyed it. it was an allegory so i didn't worry to much about the details of the back story.

  • WNTTAK 7/10 I thought the cast was good but didn't shock me as much as the book did.

    what movie is this one?

  • We Need to Talk About Kevin.

  • Fuck yes. Must see film everyone.

  • Tilda Swinton is ace, fact.

    Incontrovertible fact.

    She's on a roll at the minute, because I Am Love was brilliant too.

  • Incontrovertible fact.

    She's on a roll at the minute, because I Am Love was brilliant too.

    She is brilliant! Went to this a couple years back, in Nairn. Was excellent, great films, intimate space and well thought out prices/decor and atmosphere!

  • off to hackney picturehouse for the African Film Festival. Looking forward to some great movies!

  • John Carpenters The Ward - good, I really enjoyed it. Being a massive JC fan I am biased.

  • really? it felt a bit average on all regards. and i kept having the feeling that "I have seen this before"
    all the way through.

  • I felt the same, thought it was average at best. The end was fuckin stupid too i thought

  • Watched a screening of Contagion last week.


    Saw it yesterday. Good cast and I was gripped for the first 45 mins. My attention waned thereafter.

  • Clara and I working through all five of the Robin Hood films:

    The Adventures Of Robin Hood (1938 Errol Flynn)
    Robin Hood: Price Of Thieves (1991 Kevin Costner)
    Robin Hood (2010 Russel Crowe)
    Robin Hood: Men In Tights (1993 Mel Brooks)
    Robin Hood (1973 Disney)

    Tonight we got about forty mins into Men In tights before turning it off, it's rubbish, and really unfunny. Which is a shame, as the lead from The Princess Bride is Hood, but wasted. We've still got the Disney one left, but the original Errol Flynn version is by far the best. It's such an awesome film. Ridley Scott's recent one is okay, but a bit average.

    Highlights so far have been: Alan Rickman; Errol Flynn laughing heartily at EVERYTHING; Russel Crowe's accent bouncing around every part of the British Isles; Alan Rickman "I'll cut you heart out with a spoon!"; the slo-mo flaming arrow; the kid saying "did god paint you black?" to Morgan Freeman; incredible fight sequences and cheorgraphy in the '38 version; Alan Rickman.

  • ^ surely top of that list must be roger miller as alan a dale in the disney one?

  • Haven't watched that one yet... looking forward to it.

  • This looks interesting:

    They're showing Life Cycles, but I'll be buggered if I can see where/when on their website.

  • Clara and I working through all five of the Robin Hood films:

    The Adventures Of Robin Hood (1938 Errol Flynn)
    Robin Hood: Price Of Thieves (1991 Kevin Costner)
    Robin Hood (2010 Russel Crowe)
    Robin Hood: Men In Tights (1993 Mel Brooks)
    Robin Hood (1973 Disney)

    Tonight we got about forty mins into Men In tights before turning it off, it's rubbish, and really unfunny. Which is a shame, as the lead from The Princess Bride is Hood, but wasted. We've still got the Disney one left, but the original Errol Flynn version is by far the best. It's such an awesome film. Ridley Scott's recent one is okay, but a bit average.

    Highlights so far have been: Alan Rickman; Errol Flynn laughing heartily at EVERYTHING; Russel Crowe's accent bouncing around every part of the British Isles; Alan Rickman "I'll cut you heart out with a spoon!"; the slo-mo flaming arrow; the kid saying "did god paint you black?" to Morgan Freeman; incredible fight sequences and cheorgraphy in the '38 version; Alan Rickman.

    But why?!

  • Why? (and Clara will agree with me on this) Cause Robin Hood is awesome that's why! Was my favourite hero as a kid. I was a terror with a bow and arrow I tell you.

    Having Seen all five now, the Errol Flynn version is by far the best. A great film everyone should see. And Catfood you are right, Roger Miller as Alan a Dale is great.

  • Best Maid Marian goes to Cate Blanchett though.

  • Disney one has to be a winner no???

  • Yeah, second place.

  • Saw a 'Tower Heist' and 'Ides of March' over the weekend. I would say neither of them is a must see. But neither is a waste of time.

    'Tower Heist' was enjoyable no one particularly stood out as such. Was funny but not over the top, was the right length. I was expecting more laughs, but I get why they didn't go for that. Think of it as a light version of Oceans.

    'Ides of March' started off rather predictable. But then turned in an unexpected way. Gosling was great, he did a good job in the lead role. People are saying Oscar - but I don't think so. Phillip Seymore Hoffman and Paul Giamatti were both excellent in their roles. Needed more Rachel Evan Wood.

    Oh I also watch Crazy, Stupid, Love last week - which was fantastic all round. Highly recommended!

  • Seeing Ides of March later. Hopefully the Goz doesn't turn me...he came close in Drive.

  • Prepare to be turned. Saw it on Sat. Came home and Google image'd him - then stared dreamily at my monitor for the rest of the night while I got through the rest of my Pick n' Mix.

  • You both will love him in 'Crazy, Stupid, Love' then.

  • looks a bit on the (holding gut in) tubby side to me

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