• #50177
• #50178
Yr gd mn, dglshrn. Did she seem keen?
It might be asking a lot for her to post them though, as packing and sending bikes is a bit of a faff.
• #50179
She's said thanks, but I'll wait and see if she actually asks for help in the future. I've suggested she explains the situation to her lbs, I've had stuff sent to me before that has been packed by a lbs for someone.
• #50182
• #50185
Am I missing something or has this auction got out of hand? 500 for a colnago super frame?!?!
http://m.ebay.co.uk/itm/201036539463Though it seemingly sold for £500, the same frame is back up for £645 BIN - http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=111286522682&clk_rvr_id=591782950655
Whereas this, to my eyes, better looking Colnago Super, sold for £245 - http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/131117959905?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649
• #50186
Fausto coppi gavia frame + some components including athena chainset.
Worth a punt at £20 with 30 mins left.
• #50187
Also this 531 Quinn
• #50188
Nice Chas Roberts track frame .
• #50189
• #50190
for the less well-endowed man?
• #50191
Some really bargain frames here, and youth frames for cheap.
• #50192
for the un-endowed man?
• #50195
Seems quite nice, depending on how much it goes for. obvz
• #50197
4 sold! wtf?
• #50198
At first I thought it may be a bulk offer, but:
Package Contents
• 1 x Aluminium Bicycle Bell -
• #50200
am i missing something?
4 sold! Wtf?
Ha, not at all. There's 'finding a bargain' then there's 'screwing someone who doesn't know what they're doing'.
I've said that I'll write her listings for her if she sends me the details of the other things and suggested she offers postage to put the price up. I'm definitely not in a position to be buying bikes right now, just trying to be nice.