• #1877
Still coppers around Shebu. Saw one chatting to another fixie skidder with no lights.
I've not go any grief yet so I'm happy for them to book people with no lights but I still totally disagree with the crackdown on cyclists in general, especially when they do so little any time a driver is at fault.
• #1878
If stopped ask the PC if the advice s/he is giving is their personal view or the law. If the former I would complain since it is not their role to give the public their own view on anything
Isn't it more likely that the advice being given is simply what they've been told to tell people?
I was surprised last night to find that what looked like every police van in London had converged on Russell Square. No one seemed interested in my lack of high-vis or helmet tho', am guessing the protest at ULU must've got a bit saucy.
• #1879
Copper at the main juncton in Brixton was having a stern word with one of the many, many motorists who drive down the right hand turn lane heading Northbound and then bully their way into the central/straight-on lane, which was a) a first and b) quite nice.
He then went and harangued a white Corsa driver for parking squarely in the ASL.
• #1880
I've not go any grief yet so I'm happy for them to book people with no lights but I still totally disagree with the crackdown on cyclists in general, especially when they do so little any time a driver is at fault.
I've been waiting for a no-helmet, black clothes, headphones chat but no dice so far. I must look too pro.
• #1881
Copper at the main juncton in Brixton was having a stern word with one of the many, many motorists who drive down the right hand turn lane heading Northbound and then bully their way into the central/straight-on lane, which was a) a first and b) quite nice.
He then went and harangued a white Corsa driver for parking squarely in the ASL.
Was it the German-accented motorbike cop? I had a go at him for not talking to the driver that was taking up the whole ASL...
"So if I cross this line *(pointing to front of ASL) *you're gonna fine me £50 while this cunt behind me doesn't even get a talking to?!? Thanks!"
• #1882
same story in camden this morning. asked piggy why he wasn't enforcing the ASL chock full of cars that had just pulled into it, his reply: 'don't tell me how to do my job'.
no, we wouldn't want you knowing how to do your job now, would we.
• #1883
I like it when they park a patrol car at the end of one of those stretches where a particular direction has a long queue eg a13 -> Blackwall tunnel, so this kind of selfish driving can't be done. .. Then the wankers all have to sail off and find another route. brings a smile to yer face dunnit
• #1884
I must look too pro.
"Do you know who I am?!"
• #1885
same story in camden this morning. asked piggy why he wasn't enforcing the ASL chock full of cars that had just pulled into it, his reply: 'don't tell me how to do my job'.
no, we wouldn't want you knowing how to do your job now, would we.
Nope. That would imply that they would be accountable to the public.
• #1886
same story in camden this morning. asked piggy why he wasn't enforcing the ASL chock full of cars that had just pulled into it, his reply: 'don't tell me how to do my job'.
no, we wouldn't want you knowing how to do your job now, would we.
Have you thought about getting their details and complaining via an appropriate channel?
• #1887
have you thought about not presuming i haven't?
• #1888
The Mrs apparently just saw a bus driver getting done for having the nose (not the wheels) in box at Dalston Junction just now.
• #1889
same story in camden this morning. asked piggy why he wasn't enforcing the ASL chock full of cars that had just pulled into it, his reply: 'don't tell me how to do my job'.
no, we wouldn't want you knowing how to do your job now, would we.
I saw them in Camden this morning talking to two drivers parked in the ASL and a cyclist who had gone past the second stop line. I doubt they are enjoying this particular assignment much.
• #1890
happy to hear reports contrary to my experience.
they'll all be gone come monday.
• #1891
Not sure what the big deal is with enforcing the ASL, RLJ'ing, twats with no lights? The 'advice' may irk some, but you just have to shut up and you'll be back on your way soon enough.
• #1892
• #1893
the problem is that this exercise in futility seeks to subtly reinforce the notion that cyclists and their lack of questionably valued 'safety' equipment are to blame for the recent spate of deaths on the roads in spite of the evidence to the contrary. it's divisive, victim blaming cuntbaggery and it can fuck off.
• #1894
you just have to shut up and you'll be back on your way soon enough.
[INDENT] First they came for the Cyclists,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a Cyclist.
Then they came for the Socialists,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a Socialist.
Then they came for the trade unionist,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a trade unionist.
Then they came for me,
and there was no one left to speak for me.
• #1895
Nice to hear the Met are consistent in their approach...
I realise they can't apply everything, as they neither have the manpower nor appetite for it. But it appears to me that this reactionary 'crackdown' is just causing upset and confusion for all, rather than addressing any one problem. Or maybe that's the idea?
• #1896
Not sure what the big deal is with enforcing the ASL, RLJ'ing, twats with no lights? The 'advice' may irk some, but you just have to shut up and you'll be back on your way soon enough.
Because it would be a more appropriate and effectivfe use of their limited time and resource to police activities that are actually beneficial to cyclists, and that might lead to cyclists being safer.
This morning, as a case in point - Popo at the junction, looking at fuck knows what (other than my shitty stare), but ignoring the punishment pass that I receive for daring to take primary at a pinch point.
Inconsistently applied, pig fucking ignorant knowledge of the law, pandering to the vocal motorist lobby, marginalising people on bicyces as second class citizens, with the externality of making cycling less safe.
So, yeah - Fuck 'em. Fuck'em in the face and the neck.
• #1897
the problem is that this exercise in futility seeks to blatantly reinforce the notion that cyclists and their lack of questionably valued 'safety' equipment are to blame for the recent spate of deaths on the roads in spite of the evidence to the contrary. it's divisive, victim blaming cuntbaggery and it can fuck off.
ftfy -
• #1898
that works too.
• #1899
But it appears to me that this reactionary 'crackdown' is just causing upset and confusion for all, rather than addressing any one problem. Or maybe that's the idea?
It's theatre. Give the people what they want.
Actually making cycling safer is not visible enough, nor popular enough.
• #1900
As a reaction to the recent spate of fatal collisions, sure it is misguided and can be seen as bullying, but the more RLJ'ing, no light twats they pull over and fine the better.
It does bug me that they'll have their little blitz and associated PR and then they'll be off the streets and the twattery on the roads can commence again.
Nor is it their right is it? Can police just stop you so they can go off on one?
I'd have some choice words about civil liberties if they tried that with me.