• #37077
(even if it's not meant to be either a sex toy or bong, almost anything can be used as both...)
• #37078
Ha. It's the stirrer to a smoothie maker, the consumer one that Kenwood(?) knocked out a few years ago. Something like this ... http://www.google.co.uk/products/catalog?q=smoothie+maker&hl=en&safe=off&client=safari&rls=en&prmd=imvns&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&bpcl=37189454&biw=1280&bih=926&um=1&ie=UTF-8&cid=14389198715166655899&sa=X&ei=2UGZUPbKL4PU0QXvuYCADQ&ved=0CGQQ8wIwADgK#ps-sellers
Scarily I've had this conversation before.
• #37079
I've got a couple of spider plants in my room that a friend of my girlfriend's was looking after over summer, and very nearly killed.
They're starting to look healthy again, but seem to have been colonised by a load of tiny black flies. Is there any way of getting rid of them, without introducing another species to my bedroom, and without harming the plants or the air quality in my room?
• #37080
Sex toy?
Ha. It's the stirrer to a smoothie maker,
Can't you use it for all three? -
• #37081
^^ seriously?
• #37082
Yes, is that such a strange question?
• #37083
I've got a couple of spider plants in my room that a friend of my girlfriend's was looking after over summer, and very nearly killed.
They're starting to look healthy again, but seem to have been colonised by a load of tiny black flies. Is there any way of getting rid of them, without introducing another species to my bedroom, and without harming the plants or the air quality in my room?
Spray on a very dilute solution of washing up liquid. -
• #37084
I've got a couple of spider plants in my room that a friend of my girlfriend's was looking after over summer, and very nearly killed.
They're starting to look healthy again, but seem to have been colonised by a load of tiny black flies. Is there any way of getting rid of them, without introducing another species to my bedroom, and without harming the plants or the air quality in my room?
I googled and I wish I hadn't! Their larvae look like maggots! In your soil!
• #37085
get some hungry spiders.
• #37086
Their larvae look like maggots!
This is somewhat unsurprising given that maggots are fly larvae. :)
• #37087
Plant some hungry spiders on the spider plants.
• #37088
(even if it's not meant to be either a sex toy or bong, almost anything can be used as both...)
"Both"? I'd accept "either", but "both" seems to asking for trouble. Unless you mean at different times, and after thorough cleaning.
• #37089
Why would you clean it after? That would only ruin the taste of it.
• #37090
For a charger something like this
http://www.batterylogic.co.uk/technoline/technoline-BL700.aspwith hybrio batteries
Just bought one of these to give to my considerably older brother as a birthday present. Do you think an adult male human would like to receive such a thing, or would they be bemused and mention it [regardless of the particular quality of the charger itself] whenever they get asked *'what's the worst present you've ever received?' *? I heard that males like to receive gadgets, but is this no better than giving someone a steam iron? I have no reason to believe that he uses a particularly large amount of batteries.
• #37091
Sex toy?
he uses a particularly large amount of batteries.
Still on the same subject?
• #37092
(even if it's not meant to be either a sex toy or bong, almost anything can be used as both...)
I can almost hear the clanging, clunking and clinking as forumengers rummage through kitchen cupboards and tool boxes up and down the land...
• #37093
Some of us don't need to rummage...
• #37094
I once gave my older brother a 12 pack of Duracell AAs for xmas with a note which said "present not included".
• #37095
Still on the same subject?
I once gave my older brother a 12 pack of Duracell AAs for xmas with a note which said "present not included".
Heh, good one.
I'm leaning towards keeping it for myself and giving him an amazon voucher.
• #37096
I have three questions. They have all been bugging me for the last two days.
Why is the Democrat/Republican split by state so overwhelmingly geographical, with the exception of two anomalies, all of the central states are red and without exception all of the coastal states are blue. Why?
In the movie Skyfall, why did James Bond ditches the company car (he said because it has a tracker in it and they could be followed) to get in his funky old personal car when as part of his plan he then had to get Ben Wishaw to create a false trail so that the baddie could follow him to his chosen location for a showdown.
In the movie Skyfall, Skyfall is the name of James Bond's parnets' house and his chosen location for a showdown. Why is it called Skyfall? Skyfall is stupid name for a house. Did "Armageddon" not fit on the buzzer? Skyfall. Really?
• #37097
It's pronounced "skiffle"
• #37098
It's pronounced "skiffle"
Rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrock island line...
• #37099
Thank god you didn't post any spoilers back there...
• #37100
they're not spoilers are they?