• #8952
Not sure you can get Strava to start recording without using the UI. Can anyone check if it has tasker actions?
• #8953
£14 for a load of nfc stickers? Is that right?? Seems too easy.
• #8954
Seems that starting / stopping strava recording is not possible. Tbh, without being able to perform in app actions, the appeal is limited. Might put one by my bed to turn the ringer off, but I can do that with tasker, easily enough.
Any other cool ideas?
• #8955
Can anything be done with Microsoft On{X} ?
• #8956
I like the idea of having one to silence the phone/ respond to emails if your in a meeting say, you just scan it over and it'll set parameters - silent, no data, respond to calls with a text, that sort of thing.
• #8957
Any recommendations for a Tabata protocol app? I've tried the free 'Time for Tabata' app and it's crap, so am looking for something better. Main features need to be the ability to save profiles, time the warm up, interval sets and warm down, and play music.
What's to remember? 20s on, 10s off x 8. Shit, even I can work my way through that and I can't count past lap 2*.
*if you lose count you're allowed to skip 'em.. #trufax
• #8958
As for NFC tags, you find NFC chips in all sorts of things.
I have a couple of Dubai Metro nol tickets - they work. Oyster cards too. Singapore EZ-Link cards come up with a different ID every time you scan them, so they're not so useful.
There's an app called NFC ReTag which allows you to reuse already-programmed tags. It also allows you to reprogram tags which aren't locked.
By the looks of it, it isn't very useful unless you buy Tasker which seems to be the dogs balls when it comes to automating actions on an Android device.
Actually paying for an app is something that seems weird to me though, so I haven't installed it yet...
There's an app called NFC TagInfo which will let you view the data on an NFC chip. It looks like it can read passports too, but I haven't tried mine yet.
• #8959
There are some Oyster check-my-balance apps, but all they do is get your Oyster ID and then go to the Oyster website and pull the data from there - they don't read it from the card.
You need to have signed up on the TfL website and then give your credentials to the app which is just all sorts of bollocks so I haven't done that either.
Oh, and if you're a WhatsApp user, please be aware that the developers are retards.
• #8960
I think you can get a battery with an NFC chip for the S2, that's where it is in most phones.
• #8961
Any other Sensation owners running Handcent SMS experiencing problems? Mine won't launch at all, re-installed twice and same thing happening... Giving GoSMS a go...
• #8962
Just bought Sony Xperia Tipo for my mum on her birthday; can someone tell me if I can root it? If so then how? I am totally new to android ..
• #8963
Can anyone explain to me about Adobe Flash mobile please. So you can not download it, but does it still work if you have had it? Or have things been converted to HTML5 or whatever. Thanks
• #8964
can someone tell me if I can root it? ... I am totally new to android ..
Not trying to harsh on your parade, but out of interest why do you want to root it? As useful as it can be, it can also be a major PITA
• #8965
My mum has got herself a galaxy s3. I am jealous haha.
Anyone got their hands on a Note II, if so? How is it?
• #8966
Just bought Sony Xperia Tipo for my mum on her birthday; can someone tell me if I can root it? If so then how? I am totally new to android ..
You can, do you need to?
• #8967
*Not sure you can get Strava to start recording without using the UI. Can anyone check if it has tasker actions?
*Yep, seems it's a bit tricky without that functionality. Something may be possible with SL4A http://code.google.com/p/android-scripting/ but I haven't got the foggiest.
I must admit that as interesting as NFC seems I can't think of many applications that aren't already covered by Tasker.
• #8968
Try this, its for noons.
http://code.google.com/p/app-inventor-for-android/ -
• #8969
I found NFC annoying. Turned it off.
Too many things that go into my bag next to my phone now have NFC.
Oyster card, debit cards.
The phone kept making a "scanning NFC card" noise, and launching the only app capable of reading NFC cards... then I installed a second app, and constantly found the phone displaying a "what program do you want to launch" thing.
I basically turn NFC off now. I treat it like Bluetooth. Off until I know that I need it, and then on for just the time to do what I need.
• #8970
The beam projecttor phone has had a price drop and has picked up a few more positive reviews:
• #8971
That's ridiculous. Why would anyone want that?
I want one.
• #8972
Lil, I think the Note 2 will be on general sale after October. I plan to get one for Xmas.
• #8973
so is the google nexus tab worth buying? or still got teething probs?
• #8974
It's worth buying.
My only issue is the multi-user nature of tablets... but every tablet currently has that problem. Windows 8 tablets will be the first that don't.
• #8975
sorry, should have been more specific. I'm more concerned about the quality issues someone in this thread was having. Someone complaining about the case coming apart.
Thanks though.
I thought that it did, but my wife's doesn't. I don't know if the US versions did, or if they were initailly supposed to, and it was dropped...