• #13652
Still chills me now
He's not still chasing you is he?
• #13653
What a surprise. I remember once flicking on 5 live to hear her arguing with a criminal psychologist that "some people are just born bad and we need to lock them up as quickly as possible and throw away the key"
When she was fucking John Major, they would have had to do it rough, talking dirty and all that, it's the only way anyone could endure it. I imagine her talking dirty amounted to "Oh John, I'm on minimum wage with children, and I've got a dog, how finacially irresponsible of me!" "Oh Edwina you filthy pleb"
• #13654
Can't blame her though, Major was a right dish in his prime.
• #13655
"Sean Penn should be fed to crocodiles says Ben Fogle"
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/southamerica/falklandislands/9085950/Falklands-Sean-Penn-should-be-fed-to-crocodiles-says-Ben-Fogle.html -
• #13656
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-16966089 - BBC article on cycling, and LMNH, with links to here! :)
• #13657
Fail! Their link doesn't work, I get this when I click it
• #13658
"Sean Penn should be fed to crocodiles says Ben Fogle"
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/southamerica/falklandislands/9085950/Falklands-Sean-Penn-should-be-fed-to-crocodiles-says-Ben-Fogle.htmlSean Penn's moustache is ludicrous, colonialist and archaic.
• #13660
scoot its your lesser connection, it works on mine
• #13661
No need to whip out your connection.
She means the link to this site on the bbc link
• #13662
I always had a massive crush on her.
QUOTE]Me too...until I met her.
Don't feel bad for her, she's a dick.
Yeah i'll agree on that. Absolute boot -
• #13663
• #13664
Yes it is. March 23rd is the day they officially default apparently.
• #13665
Assuming they don't meet the criteria for another bailout.
Mind you even if they do, as I understand it, they will only be delaying the inevitable and when they do, finally, default they could well take the whole eurozone with them.
• #13666
Nah, our pals in the Bundesba... erm, ECB have given up on Greece and are working their socks off to build a firewall around Portugal and Italy. Some commentators suggest that the Eurogroup are actually goading Greece to default so they can take action.
I can't help but think that politicians and bankers are sailing close to the wind here. It's been a while since us Europeans got in touch with our ever-present ultraviolent side.
• #13667
Would it not be better for Greece to get out/be kicked out of the Euro so they can devalue their currency (be it the Drachma II: Return of the Drach, or whatever) to a more realistic level, in line with their economic output?
They'd be welching on their debts, but I doubt they give a shit about that anymore.
• #13668
I think that's the conclusion that everyone's reached. It's just a question of will they jump or be pushed?
• #13669
Greece is buggered isn't it? :(
They've always been partial to the odd catamite...
• #13670
I think that's the conclusion that everyone's reached. It's just a question of will they jump or be pushed?
And will anyone remember which one it was as they burn Athens?
I remember the teeny tiny riots they had during the Olympics, they destroyed the rather lovely water spray tree sculptures which seemed rather sad.
• #13671
Does this mean Greek holidays will be cheap as chips this summer?
• #13672
No, give it at least a year. This summer most of the country is likely to ashes when the inevitable finger pointing session turns to prolonged anarchy/riots/civil war the whole situation has the capacity to turn really nasty.
• #13673
My whole job at the moment is watching the eurozone crisis, all day, every day. Has been for months. I've come to this conclusion: we're all buggered, and will be for many years to come.
• #13674
A lot of the smaller islands will be fine- most can be self sufficient (if not full of tourists) fairly easily, apart from maybe in terms of electrical power, I remember the lights going off a couple of times and was told that a lot of the islands are supplied by sea-floor cable, presumably from one central station, although I don't know if that was on the mainland or one of the larger islands.
Issue is over half of the Greek population lives in Athens, which I think is going to be a good place to avoid if it starts to kick off.
• #13675
Christina Patterson column in todays indie is deeply disconnected from reality.
Not just in tone but opinion. http://www.independent.co.uk/opinion/commentators/christina-patterson/christina-patterson-what-are-these-memorials-to-dead-cyclists-really-trying-to-tell-us-7079711.html"you might want to explain that people who took big risks did sometimes get killed"she's talking about cycling and ghost bikes in the column. Disturbing to. Say the least.
Email her c.Patterson@independent.co.UK and please put inform her of such a skewed view s I'm gonna do now.
Just heard this bristol news on 6 music
Are the tables starting to turn at last.?
Really hope so cos I can still hear bedford bus drivers laugh from 5 years ago as he told me; if I kill you mate ill only get a fine. Still chills me now