• #727
Oh Hai Princess Tiswas.
So they've backed down?
• #728
Facebook have backed down in the past. Whether Google will or not is another matter.
• #729
They must have, unless Tissy really is a princess!
Why you no can change your name in profile edit? >:-/
• #730
You can change your name.
• #731
You can change your name only to your other real name?
• #732
Yes, I changed it to my real name, Arnold Rimmer.
• #733
That explains the holographic H on your forehead
• #734
Was gonna switch to Google+ since FB screwed up their service but I can't seem to find many people on it, is it still quite unused?
• #735
Who is Dimitri Demishev? i'm guessing its someone on here, but I don't know their (or your if your reading this Dimitri) forum name
• #736
it's Dimi
• #737
Well that makes sense
• #739
I just add anyone and everyone who adds me. Mostly they are from here, by looking who's in their circles otherwise I just add them to my "random" circle..
I'm not fussy..
• #740
• #741
Isn't the point of G+ that you control who sees what. Make a "creepy weirdo stranger" circle and stick them in there.
• #742
I flooded my feed with loads of bloody photographers... can't work out how to make the default feed not show them.
• #743
Still don't know.
As I've said before, just adding me when I don't know you and without saying 'hey' is creepy. Including the girls.
#deniedBut it's not facebook. Unless you let them they can't see what you post. Adding people on G+ is no different to following people on twitter I.e. Anyone can follow anyone. But the genius is you can let different people see different things.
• #744
Who is Dimitri Demishev? i'm guessing its someone on here, but I don't know their (or your if your reading this Dimitri) forum name
it's Dimi
Still don't know.
As I've said before, just adding me when I don't know you and without saying 'hey' is creepy. Including the girls.
#deniedhi. don't know how, but I clicked some button and added all people (there was about 80) from photoben's circle, even though I was trying to select only people, that I know. Went and removed all invites, but it was too late. I'm sorry, feel free to remove me.
also I did make a post of this accident. still feeling like a total tool.
• #746
• #747
I'm deleting my Google+ account... not interested any more
• #748
G+ is pretty useful when used with an internet phone, as you can set it up so that photos automatically upload to the G+ servers (ready for posting / sharing etc.) without having to get any cables out, :-)
• #749
how can i link two different google+ accounts?
• #750
Yesterday it did. Once they'd got rid of me they felt it was safe for humankind.