• #827
Ah right that makes sense. I didn't realise you were talking about taking measurements over such a long period. Might be something to try, I never really watch what I eat, just try to avoid crappy food, and my weight has been pretty stable since the spring (despite doing much more cycling over the summer).
• #828
Every time you have a fat boy gateau or Kebeb blow-out, just drink a mug of helium, and it all averages out.
Apropos of strange gases, did you know that helium cannot presently be manufactured? That stuff that we put in our balloons to do funny speeches with is a finite resource that is running out. If anybody ever sells you a can of it then keep it safe because in a few decades we will have a Mad Max-like apocalypse scenario over helium. You heard it here first.
• #829
Apropos of strange gases, did you know that helium cannot presently be manufactured? That stuff that we put in our balloons to do funny speeches with is a finite resource that is running out. If anybody ever sells you a can of it then keep it safe because in a few decades we will have a Mad Max-like apocalypse scenario over helium. You heard it here first.
Where exactly is the Helium going?
• #830
Apropos of strange gases, did you know that helium cannot presently be manufactured? That stuff that we put in our balloons to do funny speeches with is a finite resource that is running out. If anybody ever sells you a can of it then keep it safe because in a few decades we will have a Mad Max-like apocalypse scenario over helium. You heard it here first.
Thought the USA can, and they refused to supply it to the Germans, which is why the Hindenburg and others exploded, as they had to make do with Hydrogen?
• #831
Not if he's eating 4 portions of apple crumble a day as well as drinking coffee.
I assumed just coffee from the wording, flawed premise!
• #832
Where exactly is the Helium going?
Into space, mainly. It's atoms are so light that it can escape Earth's gravitational pull and be lost forever :(
Thought the USA can, and they refused to supply it to the Germans, which is why the Hindenburg and others exploded, as they had to make do with Hydrogen?
Almost - the US has helium reserves in the form of natural gas in the ground - they made it cheaper to discard helium than to recycle it so lots of scientists are very worried about the impending shortage. We can't extract it from the air and it's only created as a side effect of extreme circumstances of radioactive decay over really long periods of time or through nuclear fusion inside stars.
We'd all better treasure those funny voices while we still can ;)
• #833
Aaah the 200kcal is the coffees, all is clear!
• #834
We can't extract it from the air and it's only created as a side effect of extreme circumstances of radioactive decay over really long periods of time or through nuclear fusion inside stars.
We'd all better treasure those funny voices while we still can ;)
But we can extract it from Natural Gas.
• #835
But we can extract it from Natural Gas.
Until that supply runs out, yes.
• #836
Until that supply runs out, yes.
Oh come off it, you're not trying to tell me that there's a shortage of chick peas?
• #837
Oh come off it, you're not trying to tell me that there's a shortage of chick peas?
Chickpeas cause poison gas, not funny-voice balloon gas. You are welcome to fill your children's, and your children's children's balloons with chickpea methane instead, of course, although this will perhaps make you slightly less of a hit at their parties :(
• #838
Chickpeas cause poison gas, not funny-voice balloon gas. You are welcome to fill your children's, and your children's children's balloons with chickpea methane instead, of course, although this will perhaps make you slightly less of a hit at their parties :(
Pah - elementary mistake (did you see what I did there?) - you totally underestimate how much of a complete and total failure I am at their parties now!
• #840
As I type this I think this is a stupid question- however: does the body lose fat from all over the body, or does it go from "stores" first/last?
Also- can you target fat in a certain area by, for example, exercising the muscle/s in that area?
• #841
No, however people have different body shapes (referred to as apple & pear shaped) which they naturally have. But doing sit-ups will not make you lose fat specifically from your stomach area.
• #842
As I type this I think this is a stupid question- however: does the body lose fat from all over the body, or does it go from "stores" first/last?
Dont know
Also- can you target fat in a certain area by, for example, exercising the muscle/s in that area?
Definitely not, you can 'tone up' an area but not force fat away from it without surgery
• #843
I have no scientific evidence of these answers so they well could be wrong.
I think the answer to the first question is that it comes off the same way it goes on. It will be reduced everywhere but probably more in the areas that fat tends to congregate and party at.
As to specific areas, no, I don't think you can selectively remove fat by working that area. You can tone the muscles which will probably help the appearance of the wobble on top but you're not going to be burning those fat cells.
This is all anecdotal and based on things I've read over the years in Men's Health and late night infomercials.
• #844
Exercising a muscle makes it bigger and stronger, it doesn't burn fat from that specific area (unfortunately). So sit ups/crunches/floor wipers etc will make your abs bigger and stronger under the beer gut but not give you "6 seconds ripped abs or your money back". I'm determined to see my abs before March - they're there somewhere the fuckers!
• #845
Exercising a muscle makes it bigger and stronger, it doesn't burn fat from that specific area (unfortunately). So sit ups/crunches/floor wipers etc will make your abs bigger and stronger under the beer gut but not give you "6 seconds ripped abs or your money back". I'm determined to see my abs before March - they're there somewhere the fuckers!
Eat & train like a super heavyweight powerlifter and then get liposuction.
Best way to do it.
• #846
I think you might have hit on it there- I'll ask Santa for Lipo.
Bang! Job done, room for more Turkey.
• #847
And some for Greece.
• #848
You'll find both of which in Japan.
• #849
Hmmm, very dull, weightloss.
Unfortunately my coach recently said: Not ALL the kilogrammes around your stomach are making you faster Scherrit.....
Ho hum, in October we will be doing black coffee and no sugar.....
• #850
Love it. Lost two kilos through two months careful diet and excersize.
Lost a third in the last few weeks through stress and running around like a mad woman.
Every time you have a fat boy gateau or Kebeb blow-out, just drink a mug of helium, and it all averages out.