• #202
This is kind of random, but I found this distro off the back of www.collective-zine.co.uk, figured it'd be of interest to some (I am way too out of date to know what's up with these bands) http://sncl.collective-zine.co.uk/index.php. I've yet to find a reasonably good UK distro for this kind of stuff since Assembly Line and Rhythm Thief.
• #203
I've been In London for 3 years now and haven't really been to enough hardcore gigs, i had a bit of a hip hop wobble for a couple of years, but i'm now fully back listening and loving it again.
Where do you guys find out about gigs in london? I went to see madball a few months ago (which was nuts, i'm not down with all the meatheads wearing basketball shorts and doing rehearsed moshing) and saw Lovvers a couple weeks back at rest is noise in brixton, who were awesome (sounds like The Germs, but better!) but the support bands sucked and there was just a bunch of pretentious art kids in full barbour get up, standing still, doing nothing, so the atmosphere was shit.
Anyone wanna go see some gigs? -
• #204
- more punk then hc, but you may find something for yourself.
- more punk then hc, but you may find something for yourself.
• #205
Where do you guys find out about gigs in london?
Shows alot of word of mouth
http://www.myspace.com/ldnlove -mostly hc stuff
http://www.banquetrecords.com/showsclubs - mostly Kingston (just out of london) but if there is a show there usually one in london as well.
http://www.allagesrecords.com/ - check the tickets they sell for a good list of shows
http://londoncalling.makephpbb.com/gigs-f3/venue lists to check
http://www.windmillbrixton.co.uk/ -
• #206
If you don't know:
• #207
Where can you get those t-shirts?
• #208
This is good:
• #210
It gets dissed by a lot of people but I was listening to You Fail Me earlier on, I absolutely love that album.
• #211
More on the emo side of punk, but Raein have a new record out that's free to download at: http://www.raein.eu/
also a bit of an early call, but the band i play in, Momentum, have our first show at the end of July, details here :)
• #212
More on the emo side of punk, but Raein have a new record out that's free to download at: http://www.raein.eu/
Fuck, that's a lot of music to give away free, haha! (10 or so songs all 15 mins long)
Will def be giving this a full listen - thanks for the link.
• #213
Attack! Vipers! are playing at the Old Blue Last on Tuesday, first punk rock/hardcore show I've been to in a few years, pretty excited despite never really liking them that much.
• #214
More on the emo side of punk, but Raein have a new record out that's free to download at: http://www.raein.eu/[/URL] :)
Didn't even know they were still going! Their shows used to be a lot of fun.
• #215
YouTube - moral dilemma - question your authority
these guys are fucking awesome, i think they're playing on the 24th if anyone's up for it. me and a mate or two will be going. -
• #218
Sweet, only just found this thread! I want that Descendents tee.
• #220
Could someone direct me to the skapunk thread?
• #221
they're playing on thursday! possibly being persuaded by a friend to go too...
• #222
Didn't even know they were still going! Their shows used to be a lot of fun.
they put another record out a couple of years ago that's really good too, 'nati da alti padri', much more mellowed than their earlier stuff, and not a million miles from the later La Quiete stuff like their s/t 7" (which is awesome too!)
• #223
Thou / Moloch are playing at the Stoke Newington Fire Station on July as part of Big Take Over - should be an incredible gig.
• #224
Know its not -specifically- hardcore, but big regrets for missing them the other night at the Old Blue Last, was anyone there? -
• #225
Thou / Moloch are playing at the Stoke Newington Fire Station on July as part of Big Take Over - should be an incredible gig.
Looking forwards to this too!
dracula, are you originally from Nottingham and are you the same dracula on c-zine?
I wouldn't say far better, but there may be better bands around now. I've not kept upto late this last year and a bit. The problem with Gold Kids is their recordings sound shite, but amazing live. Bane are always a favorite as well.
And for the more metal influenced hardcore: