• #52
My Crumpler is almost that long across the top and I don't really notice it.
I guess it depends how big the other dimensions make it.
I reckon you'll get used to the extra size anyway and bigger does let you carry more when needed as mentioned above. -
• #53
lpg How much are you planning to spend?
it's going to be 124euro posted or 148 euro inc 20% hungarian vat which i will claim back so the bag is going to be about £80-£90 by the time i have some extra reflective bits added to the back (similar to davids bag)
that sounds like an lot of stuff you are carrying BMMF but as long as the bag doesn't look like an empty coal sac flapping on my back with only a change of clothes in a large will be o.k.
• #54
FYI, I bought it to replace an ailing Timbuk2 El Ocho - what they call a 'medium' now - that was a bit too small too often.
• #55
I have a large. It's just the right size for a MacBook Pro, the associated cabling and spare clothes, jacket, tools etc. The Medium would be too poky.
And yes, they come with compression straps, and the straps on the flaps are pretty long, so you can make huge boxes fit in there if needs be.
• #56
cheers for the info just got to decide on the design
it's going to have some kind of reflective check pattern possibly using diamonds of various size like a Bridget Riley painting. -
• #57
Whilst working at the Citizens Advice Bureau years ago, and bored, and resenting the dehumanizing power of Microsoft Excel, I decided to subvert things by recreating famous works of art with it instead:
I left shortly afterwards.
• #58
the top one was what i had in mind, a band of 3 rows horizontally across the bag with the narrow bars off to one side but now i'm thinking of shamelessly copying davids bag but having diamonds at an angle
like thisbut just a diagonal row of 3 across the middle. brown bag, pale blue piping and pale blue squares between the reflective ones.
• #59
something like these. probably the bottom one as the blue is going to get filthy quite quickly
• #60
That last one is just my bag Mr Smith!
• #61
apart from your's has squares instead of diamonds and is dark red not brown.
i wanted the bike symbol from the road signs in reflective material but they can't do that. i will probably tweak the diamonds so they fade or get smaller to the top of the bag though.
• #62
I'm going for this design. hopefully they can make it and the patches aren't too small to work with.
.hopefully different to davids bag :-)
• #63
I ordered a Workhorse L a few weeks back, and I also added some reflective material to my design (light blue/dark grey):
It's a great bag - I can fit loads in - but it tends to slip a bit when empty.
• #64
i ordered today. how long did your's take to arrive?
• #65
Ordered 27th September, arrived 19th October.
So three weeks and a day.
• #66
cool, i'll hopefully have mine before chrimbo.
• #67
sorry for the odd question, but
does anyone know where can i get a royal mail courier bag?
cheers -
• #68
you can have mine if you want.
• #69
somebody had a bagaboo made to look like a royal mail bag which i thought was a bit weird. i liked the oyster card one though.
• #70
briankwan sorry for the odd question, but
does anyone know where can i get a royal mail courier bag?
cheersThey hold stuff on your back but they shit, uncomfortable and move. Don't get me wrong, I have to use one some times but they are shit.
• #71
lpg you can have mine if you want.
but it doesn't have the quick release belt buckle :p
• #72
Just checked all the custom bags on his flickr and they look great. A lot more advanced embroidary etc then when I bought one (which I've just realised was about 3 years ago).
• #73
Might steal this as a forum username :p
• #74
what a cool design. why the 4-bolt chainring? curious - as aren't 4-bolt chainrings mainly found on mtb's?
i might be wrong.
• #75
the words wouldn't have fit if it was a five bolt ring silly...
One thing to keep in mind - my cat is fucking huge (and the compression straps were 'on').
I do have ocean's of space in it most of the time, but like having plenty to spare in case of unplanned circumstances.
It starts to feel full either when it's loaded with: mini pump, basic tools, merino jumper, waterproof jacket, overshoes, 2 x spectacle cases, first aid stuff, 2xA4 lever arch files, same laptop as yours, mini D, chunky cable lock, mini accessory cable lock, 2 bananas, bag of dried fruit/seeds, 2 rounds of sandwiches... but I could still fit my helmet in there if necessary, plus spare shoes.
When it's full it's comfy - when it's more empty, I do have to have the main strap at the shortest length it'll go without slipping (using the little clip to take up the slack).