• #65802
Sold. If this had been 52cm, I'd be gutted :-)
• #65803
Just seen that the frame is now for sale on FBMP!
1 Attachment
• #65804
Bargain, and not dodgy at all:
• #65805
What a helpful seller, so much information and not dodgy at all.
• #65808
Anyone near Carlisle could please help me with posting a bike ?
It's a long-shot, but the owner is too old to do it :-(
I'll pay for all costs of course, and your time and goodwill.Many thanks, Gren
• #65809
https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/125327099775?hash=item1d2e13c77f:g:x0oAAOSwYMxiiV~n. V cheap large Condor Pista frames. £80 bin
• #65811
“Deceptively very light”
• #65812
Any thoughts on this? EPS v2, power meter and shamal Mille wheels. Frame seems lightly used and despite Legend frames each being custom geometry and build looks fairly standard…
https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/334422991384?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=ng-ytGsgRuK&sssrc=2349624&ssuid=N-428N9ASRa&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY -
• #65813
It's probably a reasonable price for what it is but if it went to auction it'd go nowhere near that. That it was listed on 17th March probably tells you a lot.
• #65815
£200 cheaper through the WeBuyCycle website...
• #65816
Yeah I know. Still £2550 is a lot of beans. Also, baby blue is not my ideal livery
• #65817
If they sold it at £2,750 on eBay they'd pay £465 VAT and £432.25 ebay fees. So they'd make about £1,950. I assume they'd take an offer of around £2,500 so give them a call and offer £2k cash outside of eBay to see what they say.
I'm assuming they're legit so wont swerve the VAT (...) but I'm sure they have no loyalty to eBay so you might be able to get it for around £2.1/2.2. Then that's a very good price.
01332 291747
• #65818
• #65819
oh no! @Jingle_Jangle did you not get it then? Someone has/will 2x or 3x their money but has parted out a lovely bike
• #65820
Seen this quite late, but might be able to help. I'm fairly close to Dumfries and there's a c. 35 min train to Carlisle. Give me a shout if you still need a hand.
• #65821
Rose CX bike that needs some attention: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/265684610315
Looks like it has been dragged repeatedly through barbed wire and never cleaned, but £240 OBO for an Ultegra disc brake beater/commuter seems ok to me.
• #65822
Surely this is a bit sketchy?
• #65823
Agree - too cheap.
• #65824
bit sketchy
Make a day of it, go see the cathedral etc etc.
• #65825
Needs a new shifter and is pretty banged up. Seller has good history and collection only, so I wouldn't be too worried...
It's an 8 year old Rose so was probably only about a grand new anyway.
Perfect for you to a retro road build