Because I don't have any spare pots and I'm procrastinating over my other jobs, I've started work on making a ~40cm³ planter out of the broken fence panels.
It's going to be fairly rustic.
Well before the lockdown I'd ordered one of those bulk discounts on lobilia to split between my mum and a colleague. Now stuck with the whole order. In an effort to find a home for some I've planted some in pots and then put them in the top of the container of our Holly trees. Hoping they'll Cascade over nicely
Because I don't have any spare pots and I'm procrastinating over my other jobs, I've started work on making a ~40cm³ planter out of the broken fence panels.
It's going to be fairly rustic.
Well before the lockdown I'd ordered one of those bulk discounts on lobilia to split between my mum and a colleague. Now stuck with the whole order. In an effort to find a home for some I've planted some in pots and then put them in the top of the container of our Holly trees. Hoping they'll Cascade over nicely