• #8553
That junction must be on CCTV
TfL CCTV, which almost certainly covers that junction, doesn't routinely record so is very unlikely to have anything. You would need to identify a different camera and work out who's it is
• #8554
My fly12 was running low on power this morning - seriously hope it held on to record the tipper truck blow through a red on Borough Road this morning.
• #8556
yeah, me too.
• #8557
Extremely kind of you all, thank you! I'm not sure how to make that possible/happen
She'll be overwhelmed -
• #8558
me 3
• #8559
A just giving page?
• #8560
I'm in. What do 10 year olds like? Crate of cider and a Black & Decker workmate, but I'll leave it to you.
• #8561
Whatever you all think is best. Do you think it should go towards buying something tangible? A bike perhaps for when she feels up to it? I’ll make up the difference to buy one if that seems like a good idea?
10 year olds don’t have much use for money do they? -
• #8562
I'm game for buying whatever puts the biggest smile on her face
• #8563
I think I’ll speak to my sister, see if she feels comfortable with it and see if there’s any suggestions
• #8564
She says
“Ahhhh that’s gorgeous thanks so much that’s so so nice xxxx”
“People are so lovely” -
• #8565
I'm in for this.
• #8566
Sis confirms she is keen to get back on a bike so that’s an option. I know nothing about kids bikes.
Small woman’s adult hybrid type thing? Might get used longer
Or could build one from parts acquired on here? -
• #8567
+1 here.
• #8568
Thanks again all. Really is so appreciated
• #8569
• #8570
Isla bike or frog bike
• #8571
I’m keen to chip in with some cash, disturbed to hear of a 10 year old being hit like this..
• #8572
Yes i will donate too, poor kid. Set up a justgiving page as someone else said
• #8573
If it’s a Frog bike you need, just let me know.
• #8574
Count me in
Their car touched your bike? Did they drive off? Hit and run, report directly to police.
Request the CCTV yourself if you can, more likely to get it.