• #12502
Food thread is over there.... :p >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
• #12503
Hey I still have 900 calories for today. Just wondering what to spend them on...
• #12504
The gym has a Boditrax machine - I'm sure it's not the most accurate but certainly better than scales at home.
• #12505
On a friday as well... I can see where this is going.
• #12506
• #12507
Do you realise how much angst you're causing me? Every time you get to 90.1kg and then go back up 3kg. I can't believe how selfish you are, deciding what to eat and drink without thinking about random people on internet first.
• #12508
• #12509
Shit's gonna get weird now too because I'm off work for 4 days. So I could ride more but then I could eat more... who's taking bets on which way the scales go? Hahaha
• #12510
You could do a mini-tour in 4 days!
• #12511
Morning all. Following on on-line health assessment at work, it seems I am overweight. I was slightly surprised - 50 yrs old, 6 feet tall, 13 st 6 lb in weight. My BMI was calculated at 25.3.
What should I do? I am slim build and have recently lost a load of weight - losing more could be awkward as my waist is under 30 inches and getting adult trousers is difficult as it is!
• #12512
Ignore it.
• #12513
My partner is classified as obese, his fat % is 22%. It's not ideal for the beach, but not a health risk and nowhere near obese.
So, yeah, ignore it. Anybody with a bit stockier built/muscle gets classified as overweight by BMI...
• #12514
Thanks. I haven't started working out my body fat yet - is this the same as the BMI figure? If so, something is wrong somewhere - I'm carried a bit of weight around my midriff but none elsewhere - no abs yet!!!
• #12515
BMI takes into account 2 things: height and weight. Since you lift weights, and I'm assuming that means you're fairly muscular, you'll be relatively heavy (as muscle is heavy). A waist under 30 inches is very slim, ignore it.
• #12516
For men aged 20-39, the healthy range for body fat percentage runs from 8% to 20%, and for men aged 40-59 it’s 11-22%.
Of course being superlean but not exercising may be less healthy than a small tyre and exercising, so, it's only a factor of health.
You seem to walk/run/do sports a lot I wouldn't worry! :)
• #12517
Thanks Ms J. It is just a bit of a pain to read it after quite a bit of effort!!! Bloody internet!! LOL
Alialias - I am not muscular (yet!) best description would be skinny fat at the moment - as most people on here are - biggish legs and weaker upper body. I am working on it though!
• #12518
I had a look at your link and the pic of the guy with the calipers. He is not too far off where I am at the moment - albeit I don't have the tan!!
• #12519
Yes, this is the problem with BMI. You mentioned it was an online health thing - I presume this means that you didn't see a doctor in person? If you had (and you look like the guy in that link) there's no way they would have told you you're overweight.
According to BMI someone like Chris Hoy would be overweight, so you're in good company :)
Edit: I'd like to see what happened if a doctor told Chris Hoy he was overweight actually
• #12520
Yup, it was an on-line work thing. NHS gives my ideal weight as 9st 10lb to 13st 3lbs - I would be shocked if i was near the lower weight and most likely at death's door!!
Chris Hoy would be good company - if only I had his speed! (bike-wise and car-wise!)
• #12521
My BMI is 22.77, to get to 20 I'd need to be 54.4 KG
I'm 62 atm. Yeah, no, thanks. I haven't been 54 for 20 years and I was skinny AF with no arms or legs.
• #12523
Started keto 5 weeks ago on the recommendation of a mate.
Gone from 86.7kg to 80.1kg (height: 5'9").
6.6kg lost (just over a stone in old money).Zero change in activity level.
Easiest change to diet I've ever done, reintroduced a lot of things we had previously cut out while trying to lose weight (full fat mayo, butter, cheese).
Having loads of greens with every single meal now.An odd side effect was the complete lack of caffeine craving, going from needing a coffee first thing to not really wanting it at all.
Beer has been the only proper craving I'm having, but I'm learning to appreciate rum.
Positive points are:
Never feeling properly hungry (MUST EAT NOW type hunger).
Feeling much more awake in general.
Going to bed at a much more reasonable time.
Not snoring anymore! -
• #12524
That is brilliant. No negative affects?
• #12525
First week was a little rough with how your body deals with switching its energy source from mostly carbs, but after that it's been fine.
No 'keto breath' for either of us luckily.The only 'supplement' we are using are High5 Zero tablets to get a bit of a electrolyte boost which helped getting used to the diet initially, but these seem to be less and less important as the weeks are going by.
Had to switch out some 'normal' salt use for 'lo salt' as cutting carbs often means your potassium intake can be next to nothing (I had no idea that much salt was in everything!).
Really feels like something we will be able to keep up long term.
The increased fresh meat and produce intake has even prompted us to ditch Tesco and start getting most of our shopping from Farmdrop which is definitely tastier for us, and better for the livestock.
The reddit keto board was full of good information for starting it off.
£200 bill for dinner for two t'other day was a decent effort. Obviously mostly booze but we didn't go hungry either. That was after a chicken parma and a pint for lunch and followed by more cocktails at home.