• #54352
Love your purple Argos!
• #54354
Team bike from Team lotto caloi mxl on 2dehands.be for the next week or so. Owner looking for bids around €800 which seems a very good deal to me.
• #54356
20% off ANYTHING (>£20 and <£250) on ebay until 10pm tonight:
Add code: CUK20 at checkout
Just used it to pick up some di2 stuff :)
• #54357
52 cm seta, £550 BIN. Not sure it's worth that, parts are so-so but I know SETA are popular on here.
• #54358
perfect match for my track bike
i should really buy that
• #54359
Right size too? Love how your avatar has been that frame since before time, and you're still riding it.
• #54360
post removed
• #54361
No mate, you can't advertise something on here if it is advertised elsewhere: it's considered to be spam.
• #54362
apologies, I've removed it.
• #54363
No worries, it happens.
If someone else spots it (and thinks that it's interesting/a bargain/rare etc), then they can post it here.
But I'm sure you can imagine what a shit-fest it would turn into if people just punted their own sales.
• #54364
fairy nuff
• #54365
Most sunday's I go out for a spin with Mr. Hallett... might mention this to him
• #54366
olmo with delta brakes and super record mech - going cheap - http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/131763214011?_trksid=p2055119.m1438.l2648&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT
• #54367
https://www.gumtree.com/p/bicycles/vintage-men-s-peugeot-racing-road-bike-21.5-frame-12-speed-new-parts-serviced/1161417362worth money? later on going to make fixed gear.. Bad idea?
Just tryng to find my new love.. :) but got budget only 250.. -
• #54368
I wouldn't pay £100 for any of those.
The last one has vertical dropouts, so can't be run fixed without an eccentric BB or hub.
• #54369
You have been lulled by the hipsters riding around on old Peugeots. Don't bother, they're crap, look shit and you can do a lot better for the money. Several Langsters and Pre Cursas have gone on here for 250 or less recently and are only a couple of years old, in great condition and will ride better than one of those like day and night
• #54370
If you are on a budget, I have a Mercier 54cm Reynolds 531 singlespeed conversion for only £150.
Thread is here:
http://www.lfgss.com/conversations/283848 -
• #54371
Someone buy this and do something awesome with it:
Retro Muddy Fox Courier Comp Tange Steel Frame And Forks
• #54373
This is lovely, great frame colour
• #54375
gnarly dents though?
I had my eye on that too. Reckon it's gonna go for way more than my budget though, beautiful bike (that goes for your Argos as well!).