First day of my yoga instructor course and one of the other participants asks me if I am on lfgss! Hello "fourteen"!
Hey man! Was gonna post something along those lines. Nice to meet you, will take that cycle training course methinks...
Yoga instructor? Don't you need to be calm and centred for that? Or are you only in it for the yummy mums?
Well. Definitely one of the 'liveliest' students but pretty calm I'd say...
Grease the rails very very lightly. I also found the metal clasp underneath rubbed slightly on the top of my seatpost, less than 1/8th of a turn to tighten got rid of it
Interestingly (stupidly), I have not tried greasing which makes absolute sense. Will try tonight and report back. Thanks TooTallTim.
How tall btw?
A Swift Ti related question:
It creaks and squeaks and chirps and despite moving it forward/backward (as much as possible without affecting comfort) it still does it. Has anyone else experienced noisy Swifts and is there a seatpost issue perhaps or what?
Grateful for any suggestions, the noise is really annoying.
So, a cyclist, not a driver, but as dangerous as they get.
At around 9 this morning I was waiting at the lights on the Railton Rd/Coldharbour Lane in front of the red star (I think) pub. Was coming from herne hill going towards Brixton rd.
Was not first at the lights, couple of cyclists ahead of me, and when the light went green headed off at decent speed and picking up more. For those who know the place it's always busy with food delivery vans, market sellers crossing the road etc so not too much space. When I cleared a couple of riders I heard someone coming from behind at speed (rolling on as light turned green I guess) and attempting (closely I'd say) to overtake. I was still picking up speed and he didn't judge this well so when he tried to swerve to his left and in front of me I was almost side by side. At this stage he must have gotten a shock and shouted and pushed me while riding. I freaked out a bit but said nothing and tried to keep balance and line but he shouts again and pushes me harder to the left but I still keep my line and start slowing down as I realise the man won't let go. So next second the man lets go off his bars and grabs my backpack and drags us both on to the tarmac, I kid you not.
I'm obviously in proper fight mode and get up quickly expecting him to have a go. It turns out that Mr Arsehole came off a lot worse than I did with aassive gaping cut on his forehead (maybe other injuries, not sure) and struggles to get up. When he does and I shout at him (crazy, maniac, motherfucker etc at a volume much louder than I ever thought possible) the guy seems to suggest that I nearly took him out and starts shouting too.
One of those moments when you get really close to punching someone straight in the face but I'm glad I kept my cool, was urged by the gathered crowd to leave him alone as he was bleeding badly. The moment I tell him I want his details and he can explain the incident to the cops and turned to check my bike (unhurt too, I only got a couple of scrapes) he was gone.
Full report at Brixton police station and now at A&E because the police said I should.
Oh and thanks to the guy who handed me a note with his name and number and said he witnessed the whole thing and willing to help.
Doubt he'll be found but really wish this guy gets fucked. A few cyclists there at the time, if anyone saw the incident let me know.
Depends on the application.
A quick search of the internet outside of this forum will return loads of calculators and perceived wisdom. Most calculators will probably return 172.5 for your height.
If you going to be skidding around town, there is no need to worry. In fact, a poll of this forum will return a very high percentage of 165s because (apparently) there is 5mm less chance of pedal strike. I went around a corner too fast once.
Not a fixie skidder type. the 170s I've had for 2 years or so seem to be fine, occasionally I feel my knees go a bit too high and once or twice had a pedal scrape the tarmac taking a corner sharpish but wasn't really having problems with them.
Suppose my legs are on the long side and wondered if there is a big no for people my height getting shorter cranks.
Hey guys,
Sorry for new thread, struggled with the search function a little.
I am looking to get a new crankset (black sugino 75s) and seem unable to find them in stock size 170, which is what I currently ride. My question is, do the 5mm make such a difference? I am 6'3, ride 44/16 if that makes a difference.
Any help would be hugely appreciated.
Thanks @dancing james.
So yeah, bit gutted by this and not sure if it's worth putting in any effort to retrieve it or just let it go. It was nicked from Marshall street (close to Carnaby street) yesterday between 17.00 and 19.00.
The saddle is a black titanium Brooks personalised by @Skülly a few years ago with the word SPREE. Pic below from when it was brand new.
Any advice? Check out Brick Lane? Let it go?