Congratulations @hippy!
Melissa Pritchard's pulled ahead of Karen Tostee, Melissa has 986km to go according to Free Route with Karen at 1054km. After that I think it's Sina Witte (riding in a pair) with 1192km to go and then Ingeborg Dybdal Oie with 1328km and Paula Regener with 1355km. Quite a few scratches (not surprising especially with the heat followed by storms) but Lea Meszarosova, Isobel Jobling, Caroline Item, Shu Pillinger (who's been battling heat stroke), Anisa Aubin, Abigail Kerr, Angela Walker and Julie Bullen, Amelia Ashton-Jones, Jenny Tough, Chantal Coolsma, Abbi Connor, Wendy Montgomery, Tina Nestoroska, Wiesia and Josie Jones are all still going. (Sorry if I've missed anyone)
Particularly enjoying Instagram updates from Abbi and Wiesia.
Ha amazing post. Melissa is apparently also stopping for the occasional dip... https://instagram.com/p/BXYHQp6Aesp/
I can't see myself stopping the dot watching anytime soon... but still, massive achievement made even more exciting by it being @skinny. Superchapeau!
Not going to make it, sorry to miss everyone. Can’t cycle and it’s just taken me two and a half hours to get home and I can’t face further public transport. Next time.