Cheers for sharing @M_V still have loads of 120 I've been intending to rescan for ages but haven't wanted to fork out for a proper scanner.
That's interesting @M_V do you put the negs on a light box or similar to back light them?
@gillies are the photos slides/ negatives or printed photos. For negs / slides have found one of these a good trade off of costs/quality time than most affordable scanners.https://www.nikon.co.uk/en_GB/product/accessories/lenses/film-digitising-adapter-es-2-VWD304AW
Maybe its the ageing skateboarder in me but big fan of Ed Templetons work https://www.setantabooks.com/collections/edtempleton-photography-books?srsltid=AfmBOorWkLLmxBkNnKgExl4Y41HII3KqZMqB5vvIoGF2eYOnzETYDOa5
@Oddo a lot less than I did pre-kids. Used to shoot a lot of long exposure cityscapes, liked trying to expose the sky without killing the highlights.
@Oddo quite like that it gets dark earlier / stays dark later for night photography.
Some good deals to be had on Chrome bags and accessories on Sports Pursuit https://www.sportpursuit.com/sales/chrome-industries-nov24?sp_nav=ct-2.ev-27126.&utm_source=ac&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=w-sp.e-ws.d-20241113.st-UK_EU_AU.m-weekly_opt_in.a-1-1_CRT_Wednesday.
Cheers @dangeek arrived today 👍
@itsbruce open to hear any other suggestions to help separate civilian from military infrastructure when they are so deeply intertwined.
Some bargain power meters on the Wiggle / CRC ebay site. Think the manufacturers unfortunately went under, however had one of these on my turbo bike and was fine for the price. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/156404563537?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=hxX4ImnrT8e&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=AtKJdxuvSpG&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
@bigshape I've always used https://www.bayeux.co.uk/ not the cheapest however great service and conveniently Central London based.
Nice one @Alf0nse looking forward to seeing the frame finally getting built up!
On the talk of software any recommendations on software / plug-ins to invert photographed negatives?