Very slick! You should message Dave Yates, he has been very active on this thread....
Thanks for the info! @DaveYates @midlife
Interesting would the Condor frames you built be engraved or cast?
As a taller rider i've always had a soft spot for the what I believe is called the Freuler geometry where the top tube is dropped a bit on big frames.
Ive noticed a few of your builds use this and if not to inconvenient I would be very interested to please hear your thoughts on this geometry, is it something you recommended for taller riders or customer preference etc and why? @DaveYates
Thanks. -
Defo agree about using large format for commercial studio based work but I can still understand the appeal of using it out in the field.
I think it was Alec Soth who talked about how his portrait sitters would relax a bit while he set up his 10x8 camera, used to break the ice a bit.
Also maybe quiet beneficial about how long it can take to capture whatever it is your after and how this makes you consider if it’s even worth capturing. -
I’ve never used 10x8 but I’m guessing it’s to do with weight as all the cameras mentioned would be (from
memory) metal and extremely heavy in 10x8 vs a comparatively light wooden Deardorff?JM would be lugging it around Cape Cod a lot…
If for any reason @Jingle_Jangle you don’t want the wheels or spare wheel I would be happy to make another forum donation for them, I’m after a pair of decent 27” wheels.
Thanks @Velocio and thanks @daveyates for such a detailed reply, has made my day tbh.
Interesting regarding the down tube, I always presumed similar for the seat tube as my frame takes 27.0 seat post.
Love the decal as well!
Hi @DaveYates you confirmed my 90’s Condor was one of yours but when you have time I would be interested to know a bit more about the use of 531 designer select please. Have read a few bits online but any reason to use this over other my popular 531 variations or just down to the original customers preference?
My frame is quiet large 62cm and have seen similar sized frames in DS was wondering if frame size influenced the use of DS?Thanks!