Saw a car smash into this Traffic light this morning. Knocked off the lights and everything.
https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@51.52519,-0.1106276,3a,75y,90.52h,76.73t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sHwjRNobKEIy8dJ4yNQOzyA!2e0!7i13312!8i6656Freaked out a the 4 cyclists waiting next to it.
Luckily the Indian woman driving the car got out and seemed to be unharmed in the accident.(Cross roads at Farringdon Rd, and Rosebery Av)
(rep > Pifko)
https://www.lfgss.com/profiles/111895/ > 'Actions' > 'Ignore'Then use the 'Following' page until he's been banned.
Thanks for the advice, im surprised the screws would go that far through.
I actually do have white electrical tape wrapped around the fork a few times, then trimmed back. That should hopefully stop any scratches happening.Also i read that the small screw with the spring is meant to be tightened so it presses against the fork crown.
When you brake the bracket will flex forwards because that's the way the top of the wheel is moving. But tighten the little bolt so it pushes the bracket forwards, and now when you brake the new forces unload the little bolt but don't create additional flex in the bracket. This should reduce brake judder, possibly at the cost of damaging the paint on the crown.
https://www.lfgss.com/conversations/224106/?offset=25 -
"Made from Thermoroubaix fabric insulating, water-repellent and durable, for cycling through the worst winter conditions."
Can't complain, It was 4° on the ride home tonight and they kept the feeling in my toes.