Hey man, just on the last para of your email - I'm sure you know, but in this situation you can't deem someone to have agreed to the fact pattern you outline by their non-response. It might be worth keeping in there to try to get a speedier response, but if this ends up getting nasty you won't be able to rely on that para to show that the shop agree with your version of the facts.
Hope this plays out well, such a ball-ache when stuff like this happens. Good plan getting it in writing going forward. -
I went down CS7 past Oval for the first time in about a month yesterday - those new lanes you wrote in about are mental! I can't understand how they thought it would be a good idea to force cyclists to swing right back onto the road two meters before the bus stop so just as you come out all the buses are swinging left in at you. Not being familiar with the new set-up I thought I'd somehow got it wrong, but coming back the other way it's exactly the same! Well done for writing in - glad they cleared the whole thing up with that response!!
No of course not - but that's the point no? Being called a cunt/scum is entirely forgettable. Hearing/reading accounts and discussions about how current policies are causing real harm and the alternatives proposed by other parties can really stay with you and are what you should be considering when heading to the polling booth.
Totally agree - that's all I've ever said on this thread. Move away from the abuse and change people's minds through reasoned debate. Calling people cunts is only ever going to strengthen their resolve to vote against whatever it is you're screaming at them for. Unfortunately whenever you try to bring that line of reasoning up, it just gets met with a shitload more abuse - you're Tory scum/sympathising or whatever. Nothing's going to change like that.
I have read the letter, but it doesn't line up with his statement in the Commons. Which doesn't line up with what Labour MPs are stating he has told them behind closed doors. If they weren't being told to vote a certain way, then why would they be openly stating they are going to rebel? That's a genuine question, I'm not being snarky! Just feel like I'm missing something.
Also I have never apologised for the Tories. I am however interested in having a debate about what Labour is up to, and how it is going to beat the Tories in the next election. However, unsurprisingly, has been met with accusations of being a Tory. You have shut the debate down again.
I genuinely believe that people with that kind of approach would do less harm to the causes they supposedly support if they just stopped talking and voted Tory. There is a party that is synonymous with nasty people. You'd probably fit right in!
Again, you're not reading my post. I said:
"your other posts in this thread where people who disagree with you are called Tory scum or that you wish they would die and other such things".
At no point did I say that you have told other posters that you want them to die. You have, however, on multiple occasions said that people who vote in a different way to you should die.
I said very clearly in my first line that that wasn't what I was suggesting. I'm not sure how I could have been any clearer.
I also didn't say that what the Tories are doing isn't worth of discussion. Of course it is, but it shouldn't be used as a deflection when people query the state of the Labour party.
I am against the airstrikes, but I think the way Corbyn has gone about this is all wrong. He shouldn't have suggested Labour MPs would get a free vote, then immediately write to them to demand the vote in line with him. I do not think Corbyn is worthy of ridicule, and have never ridiculed him. I do, however, think he has gone about this all wrong.
My reference to being shouted down was more referring to the vast majority of your other posts in this thread where people who disagree with you are called Tory scum or that you wish they would die and other such things. I'm not sure how you intend your posts to come across but they seem to me very full of aggression and very lacking in substance.
lines starting with a 'greater than' denote quoted text
No that's not what I'm suggesting at all. My post was about Labour in its entirety. I made no assertions or suggestions about the Tories.
I think your response is symptomatic of the Left at the moment. If someone has a view that is slightly different to yours, the auto-response is either "you're Tory scum" or "yeah but look at what the Tories are doing". There appears to be a staggering aversion to truthful introspection on the Left.
If the Tories are to be beaten, Labour needs to stop and properly assess why it lost the last election. Screaming bile at anyone who has the audacity to have a slightly different viewpoint isn't constructive in the slightest.
As for Syria, Corbyn is a pacifist. He was never going to be behind military action. So why did he suggest in te Commons that Labour MPs would have a reasoned debate and come to a collective position? He had no such intention. He was always going to demand they vote against military intervention, and now he has got himself into an awful pickle.
These are just my views, I'm no expert - it's just an interesting debate. No need for aggression or shouting people down.
I don't get the whole 'Corbyn has an army of supporters' line. He was elected against some useless competition and those who voted for him (including affiliated voters etc) represent about 2.5% of the Labour voting public (as of 2015 election). Labour lost the last election, amongst other things, due to their position being viewed as too far left and being utterly incompetent on the economy. Corbyn and co have taken the party further to the left and they have already lost all credibility on the economy in the eyes of the public. Every poll taken shows the Tories continuing to extend their lead. People on here seem a lot more optimistic about where all this is headed but I just can't see it.
Given the shadow cabinet appear totally split on which way to vote, I fear that will not do much good. Mind you Labour has been such a bloody shambles over the last few months it's difficult to tell what they will do. So much for "taking the fight to the Tories", they are far too busy fighting themselves.
@dbr - top guy, great wheels! Thanks man!
Dat tape doe