inability to sweep it clean.
Bastard neighbour behaviour is to hoover it twice a year with a garden vac.
It won't pick up stones just the leaves and organic shite. -
Turfing isn't a bad idea if you get it down before you go away and someone can water it. You still would have a job doing all of the above prep before you lay it though. -
@lemonade what would you spend it on?
I'm pretty sure its Leona Helleborus.
@hugo looking great.
@jonheslop wonderful job, it looks great.
The nerd in me would tighten the kerning on the 27 a touch ;)
A Bose TV Speaker is working well for me - good at projecting voices esp.
Don't expect it to be cinematic in any way though. -
I know we all need one of these in our lives:
Not had a problem with my Annexe - the roof has an integral ventilation system hidden in the roof eves, allowing air to freely flow inside, even when fully locked up, helping to keep moisture to a minimum.
Another tip is to line the base with old cardboard boxes - great for absorbing drips from wet bikes - might even help with moisture... but mines been fine so far.
I'd look to secondhand options also to stretch your budget.
You might be able to bag some Klipsch R-41PM's:
https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/315127031769?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=WrJg8lQgS-K&sssrc=2047675&ssuid=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY -
Very nice!