Many thanks for that guys - @cagimaha - that looks spot on, cheers.
If for whatever reason @TheShipwright is unable to collect. Will take! Based just down the road.
@Fox - very nice write up on on TMH today.
@Tenderloin - pics please!
For those pieces I would assume around 25% off list, and that’s even if they have them. Typically its soft pads, Ali group, Eames plastics and like in the sale. The real
Upholstered stuff is high ticket value and only in the sample sale if it’s a cancelled customer order, so rare.One year I remember they did a Nelson Coconut for £99 which was the main draw. Last time I had a look there were no Eames Lounge + Ottomans...
@Well_is_it - it’s the wild west out there!
@jono84 - See attached.