Yes, nice work @hangedup.
Will you record us an explainer video, in character?
More like you need to oil your lock @jonny, is it still the same mini Evo?
Mine is...
As for yesterday's mathematics:
In decimal each digit represents an amount of increasing powers of ten - units, tens, hundreds, thousands etc.
In binary, each digit represents an amount of increasing powers of two - units, twos, fours, eights, sixteens etc.
(Note, for those that may not know this mathematical fact - any number to the power zero is equal to one. That is why both decimal and binary have units in their first column, without breaking the pattern.
It even continues to work for the digits to the right of the decimal point, with negative powers of ten resulting in tenths, hundredths, etc)
LFGSS and Microcosm shutting down 16th March 2025 (the day before the Online Safety Act is enforced)
@robertinventor never replied to me or came back to talk (down) to us again.
I feel rejected.
Can I get some thoughts?
A couple of people have suggested that the GSIAD ends West, priori to the Bridges starting, heading East, ending at the Party.
Thisw would allow the more ambitious amongst us to fully partake in all three things.
The downside is the constraints it puts on scheduling.
My recollection of GSIADs is that by the end of it most people are scattered, battered and hammered.
But, shall we try for it?
LFGSS and Microcosm shutting down 16th March 2025 (the day before the Online Safety Act is enforced)
As someone who claims to be about "explaining the details" to others who, presumably, understand it less well then you, it is surprising that you keep making such a basic and fundamental misinterpretation:
From https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/online-safety-act-explainer/online-safety-act-explainer :
"Companies can be fined up to £18 million or 10 percent of their qualifying worldwide revenue, whichever is greater."
Read that again, slowly, and then tell me if the potential fine is limited by the turnover of a small company?
Protect those worn pads!