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Member since Oct 2012 • Last active Nov 2012
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    Avatar for Rich

    I know this is not the right thread but it will be seen by more people in the classified section!

    Hello all,
    I just had a chat with a very helpful (and I dont say this very often!) police
    officer, he's a keen cyclist who had his bike stolen a while back so he knows
    how bad it feels, he is personally working on a good project against bike thieves
    and to help people receovering their stolen bikes.

    He showed me some photos of what he had in the depot and I already spotted one bike
    which I helped getting back to its owner, but they have alot of
    track bikes, and a good amount of arrospoked bikes which are waiting to be

    If you get your bike stolen or you had one stolen in the past please contact the
    Police on their Twitter page:

    For any help you can also speak to me at the shop (brick lane bikes).

    Hope this helps,


    You guys should follow @stolenride https://twitter.com/StolenRide - community of London cyclists - it's only been around for a month, but is taking off!
