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Member since Oct 2020 • Last active Dec 2024

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    Will be gracious and suggest that they are maybe not trolly, just very impassioned. Don't think they have anything to gain from what they're saying and again, the points they make are not invalid, just insensitively delivered. But again @user159377 we get what you're saying yet you need to allow for the fact that everyone has a different risk appetite and this isn't a bad impetus to get LFGSS on a footing which is likely also to ensure its longevity should Dee ever lose the capacity to maintain it.

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    golf club >>>>>

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    FWIW the weaponisation of troll content is also what the OSA is targeting. If you're the one who can get hit with a fine/jail time etc. for pissing around on forums then you're less likely to do it, and people were generally doing it because it's the internet and everyone gets away with objectionable behaviour on the internet. Someone posting goatse here is going to be the ofcom target, not the one getting the forum in trouble with ofcom because they've done it. I'm not saying necessarily that policymakers should go this far, but I'm saying that maybe weaponisation is actually a lower risk now that this very far reaching act exists.

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    Been struggling to steam just enough milk for one drink and feel like weighing my milk and changing tip angle (wand is now very close to the sidewalls) has gotten me closer to the sort of texture I’ve been chasing for too damned long (also helps with minimising waste!). Still think milk steaming technique is very tip dependent, and also dependent on the amount of milk you’ve got in your pitcher and wonder why the coffeetubes/tutorials don’t make more of a point of that and all suggest that there’s a standard angle of insertion that works!

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    The problem with the OSA is that limited liability through a corporation don't help you as much as you think it does, also Velocio has dealt with angry trolls with an address before so maybe revise your assumptions some, but otherwise again you make a lot of good points.

  • in The End is Nigh or The Future of LFGSS
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    Word from Velocio is that the reading of the guidance seems to be happening. And yes precisely what I mean by someone having to be willing to step in and have their name on a register. TBF any directors of a company will have their names in public as well.

    @Lebowski we are agreed there.

  • in The End is Nigh or The Future of LFGSS
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    Out of the jurisdiction of the OSA doesn't really mean anything if UK people continue to access the forum because it's designed with extraterritoriality in mind, although in practice risk of enforcement is probably lower. Ultimately someone has to be responsible for running the thing and it's not going to be Velocio (even if servers get moved overseas). So someone still has to step up to actually keep the place running, then we can discuss implications of moving operations overseas.

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    Points aside, many of which are valid, you might be heard a bit better if you did away with the ad hominem. Everyone here is human and to have a limited appetite for risk while still wanting to run a public service is both understandable and commendable, not a contradiction in terms. And welcome to LFGSS.

  • in The End is Nigh or The Future of LFGSS
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    Ok so first and foremost if we want to try to keep this functioning in the UK through compliance with the OSA, and Velocio has decided to step out, then someone has to actually be responsible for LFGSS and put their name on a register. Is there anyone here who is actually willing to step up to that and be committed for the long haul? Even if a company/CIC is incorporated it'll still need directors.

    If that piece isn't in place then we can do all the thinking and put all the pieces together to ensure compliance and minimise risk and this still won't go anywhere. But if that can happen then there is a world in which the OSA is a fucking PITA but not the end of the online world as we know it which we can try to find.

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    Conical for espresso, flat for filter is generally the super, super broad consensus. You get more fines (and so more body but also more bitter/astringent notes) with conicals, and more clarity with flats I think. Conicals work well with a milk drink imo.
