• #6852
There is nothing more neo liberal than state aid for people who shouldn't need it.
• #6853
Concerned about the poor quality of ministers?
Hint: the Coalition shut down the National School of Government in 2012.
• #6854
We need a lot more light on these Tufton Street mobs and how they have wormed their way into government and the media. We need to know who is funding them and just how for their influence has gone.
• #6855
We know who funds them, the super rich.
• #6856
I really wish every time they feature on a TV or radio show they came with a disclaimer:
On our panel is James Smith from the Research for Positive Change Research Group. RPCRG is a right wing think tank with an intentionally inocuous name, funded by anonymous donors with no accountability. They lobby government on behalf of unknown special interest groups. Notable recent "papers" are; 'let the poor sell their organs' and 'asbestos is still one of the most economical fire retardants'.
• #6857
Tufton Street mobs and how they have wormed their way into government and the media.
Its nuts, the only times there not on Question Time is when there replaced by oakeshott or hartley brewer.
• #6858
What - Oxbridge closed? First I heard of it...
• #6859
It appears BBC has intentionally bumped the story off their news front page - presumably they were told to.
• #6860
Cunts never made a bed in his life, he just winds me up so much but then again most of these politicians do now as they are all lying self serving bastards
• #6861
Idk. He 100% looks like a bedmaker to me.
• #6862
• #6863
I think you've made a mistake did you mean bedwetter?
• #6864
They are not mutually exclusive.
• #6865
Sunaks, they just look and sound so dull. I believe it the idea that you'll vote for the person you'd have a drink wth, ie not them!
Yet another gambit that won't change anything.
I'm sure he's in full on electioneering mode, gona be May ?
• #6866
Seriously though, he absolutely neatly rolls the duvet down ⅔ when he wakes up to air the bed while having his first shower of the day.
Once he has his socks, boxers and vest on, he will make the bed, while letting his hair air dry to reduce hairdryer time.
I have no doubt he hasn't ever cleaned a home himself. But he definitely makes beds.
• #6867
I have no doubt he has
... just been coached by someone on exactly what to do.
• #6868
Bedwetter joke/Pissy Sunak
Edit: Gah, got beaten to it
• #6869
They just don't realise or don't want to realise that there is literally nothing they can do to win this election. The country is done with them.
All they have done, well at least since the sell off of HS2 bought land, is to sabotage the next government. Even this proposed 2p drop in NI is all about that. Its pathetic. They do not give a fuck about the country.
• #6870
But isn't this the entire conservative ethos, syphoning the public purse into private hands?
• #6871
Your second cut-out-and-keep grovelling tory apology:
“Following my public apology on X on 30 November 2023 and my private
apology by personal letter on 1 December 2023, I wish to apologise to
Ms Gorgianeh for my part in posts made about her on X on the 20
November 2023 following the airing of @BBC ’s University Challenge
programme. I wrongly alleged that Ms Gorgianeh chose one of the most
disgusting antisemitic symbols, a blue octopus as her team’s mascot
which I held her responsible for. I accept that these allegations were
completely false and unfounded. I made a grave mistake in making those
posts and I should not have done so. I again deeply apologise to Ms
Gorgianeh for these allegations and any distress caused to her. We
have since reached an amicable resolution. I do hope this goes some
way in mitigating what has been a most distressing time for her. I
have agreed to pay her substantial damages and costs.. -
• #6872
Once he has his socks, boxers and vest on, he will make the bed, while letting his hair air dry to reduce hairdryer time.
read in Patrick Bateman's voice.
• #6873
The state of it all at PMQs - Sunak spouts some lies (as Starmer said “we’ll fact check that” and the statement barely survived 20 minutes) and some drone behind him shouts “aha” like a shit Alan Partridge
• #6874
The government solely responsible for the biggest tax burden since the 1940s keeping repeating that Labour are the "biggest tax risers in the UK" is starting to grate somewhat...
• #6875
Its not our fault its someone else even though they have been in for 10 + years, its the same up here with the SNP too.
I love how these think-tanks advocate a reduction in the role of the state, but as soon as bills need paying, it’s the taxpayer who gets landed with the bill.