• #27
No trying about it. Look at who it was addressed to.
• #28
Apologies, I’m foreign.
May I ask what your beef is with me sending money to people fixing other people’s houses?
• #29
Ps thanks for the free bumps!
As a gesture of appreciation, I’m going to double all donations I make, in your honour. Might feel cute & DM u the PayPal receipts.
Have an incredible, unique life bbz x X x
• #30
Not to do with you in particular. To do with the donation mentality. I don't like that people don't see the limitations on their actions or have a bit of modesty about the effects of their actions in real terms. Charitable actions cause dependencies, shunt or defer issues where other types of actions are required. I don't have a connection there though and you do.
• #31
... and are a salve for the bike-ridden mind.
• #32
Your example is much better, lecturing people online that solves all the problems! Listen, I don’t disagree with your ideas, we just told you we don’t need them here. There is a discussion thread for that, go there where people might want to hear you @Velocio can you get this troll a cool-down period
• #33
can you get this troll a cool-down period
I only have bans. This isn't ban worthy.
This is more, hey @ra1 your philosophy isn't unsound, but that isn't the world we live in. The world we live in is this one, where some people have immediate needs and some have the ability to meet those needs. We can all argue charity idealistically shouldn't need to exist, but that's not helpful or constructive. So perhaps you want to reflect on the fact that what you're doing is futile, on one hand signalling that people should suffer, another signalling that those who can help in some small way shouldn't... but ultimately, those who can really do something about this - the political, ruling and wealthy class - your philosophical argument means nothing to them. So yeah, you're right... well done, but what does that achieve? Nothing at all. But individuals who can help doing so, so that those are in need receive some help... that does something, that is constructive. There's lots of other thoughts you may have about "yeah but why not help <insert minority group frequently overlooked by the West and media>" and again you'd be right... but it still achieves nothing at all. Your ability to make a difference is yours alone, don't rain on someone else's parade because they choose to use their ability to make a difference in some way that you don't agree with.
• #34
Could not have phrased it better!
• #35
Thanks for that. 1. There's a straightforward Dickensian critique of charitable giving focused on the suppressed motivations of givers. 2. There are actual and obvious questions here about whether donating/giving in this case prolongs a miserable situation, and I don't mean that as an example of some general effect of giving, I mean in this exact case. I've been doing this on this thread because really why not.
• #36
True, or at all.
• #37
Stop feeding him .
Mr plasmosis - donation coming your way when I get my morning meetings out of the way.. -
• #38
I've been doing this on this thread because really why not.
Because it makes you an asshole https://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/free_speech.png
So you're being politely asked not to, and the reason why we're asking you not to is being spelled out so that it's clear that sure you can have the debate... but sometimes the place where you have the debate matters. Little different from how we don't launch into politics and philosophy of town planning and the impact on cyclists in the RIP thread. Or why we don't launch into the Sheldon Brown argument against charity rides when that is someone's first significant cycle ride. I don't have to do the polite thing... but please do take the philosophising elsewhere.
• #39
Last question then. Humour me, would you interfere if I offered to make a donation to a Russian charity in a thread which I opened in order to sell my Decathlon? And you were making that decision prior to reading the above and you happened on the Decathlon thread and I offered no explanation in it of why I thought donating to said cause was good?
• #40
Humour me
Nope. Banned from the Classifieds sections of the site.
• #41
Thomson still available...
• #42
Maybe you should have given him a 7th chance? 😂
Who are you trying to call an arsehole?