• #2
Is it there to tell you if the trailer is connected? I.e. if the beeping stops, you know it’s become disconnected or a bulb has blown?
• #3
Design feature
Also acts as a reminder when you are signalling that you have something hanging off the tow bar
• #4
Cheers @dancing james for confirming it's a feature, it seemed like that but I was concerned it was a warning sound to alert me to an current overload/faulty connection.
@Jonny69 actually I wonder if it well serve that function i.e. if the bulb blows then it will not beep.
I have a tow bar mounted Thule 3 bike carrier. I bought it used and the PO had converted it from 7 pin to 13 so when I got my tow bar installed I had a 13 pin socket installed.
Long story short all lights and indicators are working on the Thule and on the car but when my indicators are on there is a beep at the same frequency as the indicators. Is this a design feature or a warning?