• #26478
Easier to read version of the same thread: https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1491891791490125825
Prof. Christina Pagel
THREAD: I keep being asked when we can go "back to normal" or "like it was before". My personal thoughts:We've added a new disease to our population, more infectious and more severe than flu.
The world pre 2020 no longer exists - we may want it to, but it just doesn't.
On top of what seem like eminently sensible suggestions about moving forward in a world with covid, it would seem sensible to extend all of those precautionary and preparatory measures to be inclusive / anticipatory of the *next* pandemic cause (in general terms, obvs).
• #26479
Why are we worried, all the restrictions are gone.
We are safe. This remind you of a dystopian book
• #26480
Had a metallic taste for a long while and was down to a bacterial imbalance in my mouth, cause by one of my meds I take. Even though I brushed and used mouthwash.
• #26481
We've been discussing this a lot recently with regards to work and the safety measures in place and we reached the same conclusion. When we move office next month we'll move the sanitiser stations, keep the screens between desks etc as we can't see any strong argument for just pretending everything is normal once restrictions are lifted when we've got a steady stream of absences due to covid.
• #26482
Must be the week for it. I tested positive for the first time this morning.
• #26483
Sorry to hear that.
I feel like I have a bad cough/cold, but nothing more serious so far. Lots of snot. Getting through boxes of tissues faster than a teenage boy.
• #26484
Thought I’d have a read of the first few posts now we are 2 years in and over a thousand pages… interesting views there.
• #26485
• #26486
Ha! I am snot free so far. Sore throat progressed to head ache and body aches. Feel ok though.
• #26487
first few posts
Please summarise
• #26489
• #26490
My dad called today to say he has Covid. He’ll be 80 this year, is a bit overweight and 15 years ago suffered temporal arteritis which has had a long term effect on his lungs. However at present he says it’s no worse than a cold and is sounding pretty chipper.
• #26491
My overweight 80 yr old father-in-law had it about 6 weeks ago. He was quite tired for a week or so but felt generally ok but a bit off of normal.
Hopefully it will be the same for your father.
• #26492
Sorry to hear this - always a worry. I hope he is on the mend soon. Thank god for vaccines.
• #26493
Fingers crossed vaccine x omnicron = a good outcome
• #26494
He’s a tough old fucker. Got through a cancer scare a year ago.
• #26495
Wonder how many views have changed.
• #26496
I tested positive last Sunday, felt amonsgt the illest I've felt in my life in the early part of last week and then was negative again by Saturday/Sunday.
My chest is largely better now (still coughing a bit but only really in bed now) but I am cripplingly tired - to the point that I feel like I'm going to fall asleep mid-meetings etc. I went for a walk this morning for 15mins and it totally wiped me out.
What's the conventional wisdom to getting back in form again:- total rest until I'm no longer tired?
- little and often with walks?
- total rest until I'm no longer tired?
• #26497
I tested positive last monday, still testing positive today, although LFT is weakening.
My main symptom is tinnitus which is extremely fucking annoying.
• #26498
total rest until I'm no longer tired?
This. I had a friend of mine I work with try to come back too quickly and he's still not 100% a few months later. He told me to stay off work until I was completely better, which seems to have worked.
• #26499
How bad were your symptoms? I had sore throat Saturday; aches and shakes Sunday; tired Monday; mostly fine today. Hoping to be negative and released by back end of the week.
• #26500
Thanks for the advice. I haven't taken time off work, as I'm just sat in the spare bedroom anyway. Just avoided talking to amyone as much as possible last week.
I'll keep rested, well hydrated and sleep as much as poss and see how I am by the weekend.