• #15627
That situation I don't know enough about tbh as I haven't followed it.
Unfortunately, it is all a matter of degrees, in other areas/scandals I think some NI politicians really should have resigned. At least on coronavirus, there is some consensus you really should follow the letter of the law.
The spirit, well, we've had some issues.
Again, it is a matter of degree, am just scoring England lower on this atm with the whole Cummings Eye Test and other messes.
• #15628
That's a good point, hadn't considered that.
• #15629
Anyone else using a contract tracing app? The one in Spain has been released and seems to work well, (and is in multiple languages). All hooked up to iOS/Android too, not a roll-your-own solution.
• #15630
Yep, using the Northern Ireland one. Also using the ios/android anonymous IDs model.
They said they were able to trace around 300 people they could otherwise not find.
• #15631
You forgot ukip shit bag claiming to be a key worker and not following quarantine procedure from return to the states.
Alex salmond not relevent as his was abuse of power/assault.
• #15632
Do you know if the app the one produced by iOS/Android or a version for spain?
• #15633
UKIP though, the proverbial fish in a barrel playing to the Gammon Gallery ;)
I can't see this is perse good, as the DUP/TUV probably took their votes or people didn't vote at all, but UKIP bombed in NI. So did the Conservatives, again, probably votes going to the DUP.
• #15634
As there's some patter going on in the Bridges Ride thread about 30+ people turning up and (albeit slightly tongue in cheek) suggestions of a fine, I wondered how the rule could actually be interpreted for such an activity?
EG: Organising a rave of 30+ people in one location I can understand would be an infraction, but a moving group of 30+ on open streets...?
Would be interesting to know from a legal standpoint whether it is the intent to organise or the actual gathering that would be seen as at fault.
• #15635
Bikestormz seemed to do ok over the weekend.
• #15636
As far as I understand it, the iOS/Android aspect is the APIs and privacy locking, and then each app is built using those APIs. That is how the Spanish one works, triggering iOS features.
• #15637
Guidance : only socialise outdoors in a group of up to six people from different households, or in larger groups if everyone is exclusively from one or two households
Law : It is against the law for gatherings of more than 30 people to take place in private homes (including gardens and other outdoor spaces) or in a public outdoors space
Fines : The government will also be introducing fines for those who facilitate or organise illegal gatherings of over 30 people. -
• #15638
That's kinda what I mean. The idea of "gathering" is a little vague when it comes to a moving, non-contact precession.
The government are usually to blame for hard-to-follow guidelines but this one feels more like an us problem. -
• #15639
Vague at best.
EDIT Actually the government guidelines are clear 'Whatever you've missed, now is the time to get back out there and enjoy it safely.' Have been seeing them pop up on quite a few forums and facebook too.
• #15640
Do you think that covid is having a second wave similar to Spanish flu, or that we are still on a first wave just that the lockdown slowed the process down and that there will be a wave reinfection.
• #15641
Planning on moving to the Netherlands in 2 months or so, curious, what do the Dutch say, how's life impacted there by the virus? How's the general morale, are people angry towards the government because of any restrictions? I've read stuff online, but I guess it's best to rely on the experience of people of the world's friendliest forum. :)
• #15642
I'm English living in Amsterdam.
March-June was fine, the Govt had a brief wobble of maybe going for herd immunity but ended up going for 'intelligent lockdown', which compared to the UK and other EU countries seemed pretty bearable, you didn't need an explicit reason to leave your house. Biking everywhere also made things a lot easier. The supermarkets ran out of rice, pasta, loo roll for a short time but generally everyone was pretty civil. The Dutch pride themselves on their self sufficiency and common sense, so people were pretty respectful of the rules and it did feel like everyone was acting for the 'greater good. Amsterdam, especially the Red Light District, actually became even more bearable without all the tourists. Restaurants, bars, cinemas etc re-opened at the start of June with social distancing measures in place.
Around June, every idiot that wanted a holiday but couldn't fly anywhere decided to drive to Amsterdam and fill the city streets, funnily enough these were also the people that didn't take social distancing very seriously, and it became pretty unpleasant if you needed to go to the centre.
Right now, the Govt seems to be taking quite a hands-off approach (I'm thinking it's herd immunity without saying it out loud), and life is basically back to normal. Today I went to the cinema, went for ramen and had a beer outside a bar. The only time I was required to wear a mask was on the short ferry ride over to the North side. I've heard of a few younger people contracting it recently, no one hospitalised though. There are the inevitable few 'plandemic' truthers and mask avoiders but in general it's ok, e.g. a lot of people (myself included) are choosing to wear a mask in supermarkets without being mandated - it's a bit worrisome to see a mask-less little old lady passing you in the aisles though.
Overall, I can't think of many major cities I'd have rather been in over the last six months.
• #15643
My above message was a reply to you but I think I messed up hitting 'reply'.
• #15644
The government are usually to blame for hard-to-follow guidelines but this one feels more like an us problem.
It's not just us. All British Cycling affiliated clubs are currently following their 'Way Forward' (attached) which sets out what size club and group rides can be. It's currently six max as we're at stage four, but will be further relaxed as time goes on.
Despite being on the Committee of a BC-affiliated club (or even because!) I'm not their biggest fan, but I'm with them on this one. It seems obvious to me that if the limit is six people outside the same would apply to cycling groups, especially as moving at bike speed in my view increases the risk of breathing the air of others compared to people being sat/stood around not moving.
1 Attachment
• #15645
Yeah, fair play man - thanks for the well articulated response. Tend to agree with your points as well.
• #15646
Covid19 contact tracing is included in today’s iPhone update
4 Attachments
• #15647
Interesting that they've now cleared it for indoor cycling to re-open, with the advice being that it's up to facility operators to decide on track capacity so long as social distancing is maintained.
• #15648
Uk response to that...
1 Attachment
• #15649
world beating.
in shitness.
• #15650
Blue button should read
“I’m done. Kill me”
I'd think the ritual of the cart going up and down the aisle and the time it takes up with waiting, consuming and the clean-up sweep probably helps maintain some order?