• #11277
My years as a smoker have fucked my blood oxygen levels, but yoga has lowered resting heart rate.
I smoked probably many more years than you.
Started in 1975, gave up smoking in 2001, then took up vaping in 2014. Stopped that recently.
I've had an spO2 meter for a while. My reading is generally 98% or 99% -
• #11278
I'm might give Laka a call and see if this can be done somehow.
• #11279
"Did we jump TOO SOON" - ref to lockdown/peak having already started before lockdown suggesting lockdown is pointless/is doing nothing
heres another example - "Britain Votes with its Feet" - suggesting going back to work is democratic choice
along with a general messaging shift, no more COVIDIOTS etc.
• #11280
I saw c beams on fire off attack owls
• #11281
Your kids put their washing away?
Fucksake -
• #11282
Might experiment.
And not do any laundry. -
• #11283
because if there is a chance it stops the virus, even that small a chance, means it needs to be cleaned properly.
• #11285
i have a bunch of n95 masks that we use and spray wash with a bleach solution after each use.
Many N95 masks seem the wrong thing for wearing to the supermarket unless I'm missing something as many have a valve to allow expelled air out without being filtered. Or at least that is my impression based on an images search for N95 mask but I'm perhaps confusing them with an FFP3 mask?
• #11286
There seem to be two extremes but both really filthy clothes and no clothes at all help encourage others at the supermarket to stay 2m away.
• #11287
Some do, some dont. But i agree, anything with a valve is defeating the point.
• #11289
Went to supermarket for first time in a couple of weeks. Big queue outside, one in, one out. Good.
Go inside and it's a gammon frenzy of cunts pushing by to grab a fucking satsuma. Young folk were the ones with face covering and general sensible behaviour.
Kind of feels the wrong way around if we're all invested in self-preservation...
• #11290
We made these masks a couple weeks ago (with a second fabric as an insert), but the behind-the-head fastening doesn't work that well with elastic straps – they need to go behind the ears. They're otherwise very comfortable to wear and quick to make if you have a sewing machine.
Some interesting reading about the best materials for a DIY mask on that site, too.
• #11291
Lidl in Hackney is pretty decent, big queue but it goes fast, well stocked and big enough to keep a distance, although there are always people who just don't get it. Massive piles of discounted easter eggs don't help.
Trying to do a big shop once a week, but I don't drive so it means pushing home a heavily laden bike with a pizza rack. Local small shops have everything I need but it means going into lots of tiny shops with fewer controls and often no way to keep a distance.
• #11292
Yeah Lidl even had a wee station to clean trollies/baskets/hands outside the shop-didn't see anyone use it but hey ho... at least they try. Their checkout staff are fully encased in plastic now which is good to see, the ones on the shop floor less so...
I got quite bad for just popping to local small shops but consciously cut it out because it's where you're more likely to get it I reckon-stocking up the freezer I manage to go 10-14 days in between supermarket trips now although the end of that period can be quite odd back of the shelf combos. My partner's also wasted about a kilo of flour unsuccessfully trying to make sourdough starters to spare bread shops, but I suppose that doubles as cheap entertainment and one day, some time, I may get a loaf out of it...
• #11293
My brother locked down in Barcelona tells me they are putting their PPE in the oven to kill the nasty stuff.
• #11294
I think lockdown fatigue is setting in around here. Kids jumping over fence and playing football on the courts in the park. I told them they are putting their own families at risk but you can imagine the reaction I had from a bunch of 14 year olds...
• #11295
160F for 30 mins
Healthcare providers place a used 3M respirator mask in a paper bag labeled with their name and work location before delivery to the processing center. The bags containing the masks are then sealed with heat indicator tape before they are placed in the oven. Following treatment for 30 minutes at 100˚C (212˚F), the same bags can then be returned to the clinical care providers.
• #11296
The problem with all these complaints about other people is that it's again divide-and-rule, in which those divided attack each other and not those who divide (just like I'm attacking those who attack others, etc.).
Division is the result of political failure, so that the burden of action is then put on those who have little power, and the measures they are asked to take are of very limited effectiveness--shutting the stable door after the horse has bolted.
Of course many people don't know how to wear masks, how to completely adjust their daily routine to prevent the spread of the virus, how to cope with being out of work/trapped in abusive households, etc. They shouldn't have to, and it's obviously not easy. Maybe there's a way in which it can be done effectively, but those doing it effectively will be a very small number of people, i.e. those who have the skill and the opportunity (e.g., wealth) to do it well.
It's a shitshow brought on by political failure on the part of those who are supposed to take care of these things, and no amount of shifting the blame on to ordinary people can disguise that.
• #11297
I saw an older gent walking through the park the other day, smoking a cigarette with a medical mask pushed down round his neck. What a time to be alive.
I just read a post from a grumpy forumenger getting his knickers in a twist over an old chap enjoying a cheeky fag break in the park. What a time indeed ...
• #11298
Agreed, I mean look at care home deaths. But no, it's people going out for a walk twice / throwing parties that break the NHS 🙄
Re masks you can just see in this thread we all have lots of questions. A blanket "do something" may do more harm or just annoy with no benefit.
• #11299
Ha! It was the combination of mask and fag that I found amusing
• #11300
Lidl even had a wee station to clean trollies/baskets/hands outside the shop
I know sanitiser is in short supply, but etc and so on....
Lolz. We've gone down to once a fortnight. Everyone's slobbing out - no commuting bike kit, work clothes, school clothes, etc.