• #2727
I should be. You?
• #2728
Anyone going to LMNH on 21st?
• #2729
Yeah have a ticket, childcare permitting.
• #2730
Ah man, already sold out...
• #2731
i'll be glaring in through the window then.
• #2732
Splinter group is forming.
At the moment it's just me in a west london pub rocking back and forth repeating "you weren't there man, you weren't there", pausing only to sip.
• #2733
Is there a threshold of how many tines you cried to gain membership??
• #2734
No tears, just
• #2735
Anything specific?
• #2736
Specifically: 13 days in 2019.
• #2737
Haha all 13?
• #2738
Maybe the first couple of days were ok.
• #2739
I was ok for 2.5 at the start and maybe a few at the end.
Saddle sore or something else? -
• #2740
Half the race nursing fucked knee. TransIb is going to be the first race I'm going into with no "don't quit" mentality. If my knee flares again in this race I'm a DNF. Physio warned of long term damage if I push on.
• #2741
@Thrasher @jakemcree sounds like a plan is in the offing for another venue or date...
• #2742
Maybe the first couple of days were ok.
If they were, you were lying on here and on Twitter.
• #2743
You know humans can't remember pain?
What was I tweeting during the first couple of days? I'm pretty sure my knee wasn't fucked until after at least CP2 so any whining was just normal complaints. It was hot and I cramped hard descending the UFO but I have no idea what else went on, without going back to look.
I definitely need to go back to picking one key race per year. Racing a whole bunch badly isn't good for the health, mental or physical.
• #2744
Unusually positive grumbles for the first few days from what I recall hippy.
• #2745
^I remember the same. It was very unnerving.
• #2746
Someone told me a couple of days ago that there are some people on a French Facebook group saying that Fiona might have used some banned roads, in France and in Switzerland. I can't find out anything about it.
Obviously, it would be a massive call if it led to a penalty bigger than her winning margin. But I hope for the sake of the race that there is nothing in it, or that if there is, it is minor.
Anyone heard any more about it? -
• #2747
This is what I found after a quick search: https://www.facebook.com/groups/Transcontinental.fr/permalink/2417793314964384/?comment_id=2417871171623265&reply_comment_id=2417883208288728
My French isn't perfect but I think they are saying Fiona took a banned road near Saumur. -
• #2748
Overall they're saying she went on a road where bikes are prohibited. That was 12 weeks ago though so surely someone from TCR would have spotted it and dealt with it by now if it was the case.
That said, you ARE allowed to cycle on N roads but not necessarily all of one. I rode one last year in France where for a bridge over a river you rode on the footpath then back onto the road a couple of km later. They say that there were some roadworks so perhaps cycling on the road near Saumur was allowed normally but not in the limited space etc. It's all supposition though.
• #2749
On a similar note I had to take what I suspect was a banned tunnel as the tunnel was being worked on and the alternative had become a one way in the opposite direction.
The only time I was glad to be out of classification and not really have to worry about that head ache :-) -
• #2750
Surely for such short stretches (maybe not in a tunnel) one could quite legitimately just get off and walk, anyway?
Anyone going to LMNH on 21st?