• #202
42072 on New Year's day, I now have half a dozen of these pull-back kits, so obviously the next step has to be gearing all six together to drive the big wheels off the 42063 BMW R1200 to make some sort of ridiculously fast dragster.
• #203
'Borrowing' the kids Duplo to make the ramps. Shameful!
• #204
'Borrowing' the kids Duplo
It's my Duplo, I just let the nephews play with it sometimes.
• #205
I must of been subconsciously dropping hints about getting back on the bricks or Santa finally started reading those letters.
2 Attachments
• #207
i just wee'd a little.....
• #208
That's awesome.
Do people just get on with it and build those kinds of things, or is there some software that turns a (non lego) design into instructions / what bits are needed? -
• #209
I've seen online a complete catalogue of every lego part you can actually search through (and it has all the sets and therefore all the parts for them) i cannot imagine it wouldnt be a big stretch of the imagination to have some sort of CAD software that translated things into roughly the outline of major parts you need, then you add the details yourself.....
anyone know what the hell the large headed stormtrooper is doing bottom left of lower pic?
• #210
His instagram account explains all the glorious details! ;-) :-)
• #211
It's very good. Much better than this previous version by someone else:
• #212
anyone know what the hell the large headed stormtrooper is doing bottom left of lower pic?7
That's a joke--it's this BrickHeadz stormtrooper:
• #213
As a finished product it's definitely better than this one but I like that the guys had to raid all the kits and spares in the house to make it, it has more of a lego feel about it, but definitely let down a bit by being all small sections which sit next to each other instead of a joined complete unit/build!
• #214
So I got the super awesome and super complicated Technics LEGO crane for Christmas. Then promptly went away on holiday and dislocated my shoulder on an afternoon skiing. Now cannot do any LEGO whatsoever. One-handed life sucks.
• #215
you got a mouth with teeth..................
• #216
Don't stop
• #217
I'm very happy to come round and build it for you. :)
• #218
One-handed life sucks
I can't imagine this ever being the case for a male.
• #219
I'm right handed. Now with only a functioning left hand.
I like a challenge.
• #220
I'm right handed. Now with only a functioning left hand.
Just think of it as a temporary affair or a mistress.
• #221
Variety is the spice of life.
• #222
• #223
Love that Raspberry!
I'm getting on with this crane. It is insanely complex:
1 Attachment
• #224
I so wish I hadn’t seen that.
• #225
Is it this one?
Ah, OK!