• #4877
Fucking lol
• #4878
i mean, how is this not conclusive evidence that trump is little more than a 70 odd year old, imbecilic manboy with a pathological need for constant approval so acute, he'll provide it to himself if no one else is dishing it out, as if sucking on his own mantits will render the drop of milk he needs to sleep of an evening.
fucking pathetic excuse for a human being. cunt needs to die. soon.
• #4879
it's him or us.
• #4880
I feel conflicted
Should we be mocking the mentally ill or is it ok to take the piss because he is bigly stupid?
• #4881
Ha, exactly. Not sure if this is punching up or not...
• #4882
my political leanings are more Robespierre than Ron Paul so I'd say cut his stupid, deranged head off then laugh at it...
• #4883
Is he mentally ill? I thought he was a texbook narcissist, privileged to the eyeballs that is now dementing.
Taking the piss out of someone's dementia is crass, but extreme narcissism and a complete lack of self awareness I reckon are fair game.
• #4884
He certainly has a massive chip on his shoulder which is probably related to lack of educational achievement, and this in turn quite possibly because of an undiagnosed specific learning difficulty. Impossible to diagnose from a distance, and with the kind of dysfunctional life he's led it's likely that there's a pile of other issues.
• #4885
He has something but without diagnosis, he’s fair game.
• #4886
Will his upcoming medical show dementia?
• #4887
Obviously it’ll show he’s the healthiest president, like, ever.
• #4888
I didn't think gynaecologists were qualified to give psychological assessments
• #4889
Care to explain this one, it’s lost on me.
• #4890
He’s spent most of his life obsessively trolling NY society because they rejected him.
He’s a wounded little soldier.
• #4891
he is mighty COTUS
• #4892
he's threatening to block a us-uk trade deal unless he gets invited to the royal wedding
tabloid headline so probably completely fake but ....
• #4893
So he's sharing his usual confused stream of consciousness on twitter... But still has the extra resources to include the superfluous word 'like' instead of going for the much simpler 'really smart'.
Perhaps the person he dictates this to smuggled this in on purposes because she is fed up? Or he wrote it with his own hands knowing how much it would rile us? -
• #4894
State visit ... urgh.
• #4895
• #4896
When asked whether she thought Mr Trump was "child or stable genius" - referencing Tweets sent by the president this week, she said: "[He is] taking decisions on what he believes is in the best interest of the United States."
This gave me a giggle. Very diplomatic as usual, May.
• #4897
Have she ever answer a question before? She have a habit of avoiding it.
• #4899
From the comments
• #4900
Ha ha Stephen Miller is almost as crazy as his boss
Well exactly, why is the ", like," even in there? Does he dictate these or something?