• #1677
Kant argued for the existence of an objective moral truth. I don't think this is going to help.
• #1678
Unexpected Budweiser Superbowl ad theme is unexpected
• #1679
The punch made the anti-trump protesters look like thugs and was a PR boost for Trump and his supporters.
• #1680
This needs further clarification, the bottom one is correct for a hook, the top only for a jab.
• #1681
for a classic cockpunch, choose option A for best results.
• #1682
Of which one is you do not treat people as a means to an end. I.e., no torture, no banning all refugees because it may prevent terrorists from coming.
• #1683
Not even sure where to post this shit anymore as the trump thread and Brexit thread merge into one.
• #1684
These aren't objective truths, they're positions arrived at through free will. Kant reckoned God had decided for us. I think this is a bit of a derail though.
• #1685
^^ I was hoping for some more Mary Beard-Aaron Banks style exchanges between you and Winnifred.
• #1686
And there we go!
• #1687
Ha, ok, is there a bit in The Critique of Pure Reason about refugees? Haven't read the whole thing tbh
• #1688
Kant argued for the existence of an objective moral truth. I don't think this is going to help.
As ever with Kant, you have to be a little more careful than with most other writers when talking about his philosophy in terms of 'subjective' or 'objective'. Most people ignore the first and third Critiques when talking about his ethics, but they shouldn't be ignored. (For the record, I don't think Kant satisfactorily resolved the issues around these concepts even as his thought developed.)
Regardless, I'd suspect that the reference the sign-maker had in mind probably was to aspects of Kant's political philosophy rather than his ethics, although, that said, pretty much any appeal to ethics would have bite against the crew currently acting in violation of them.
• #1689
Ha, ok, is there a bit in The Critique of Pure Reason about refugees? Haven't read the whole thing tbh
Kant wrote an enormous amount of philosophy, and for direct relevance you probably want to consult the political works. As with May's ignorant dismissal of the idea of a 'citizen of the world', which she evidently hadn't understood, there are many parts of it which are currently being experimented against by the petulant children of the reaction.
• #1690
If Trump does start exterminating his own citizens I'm guessing that it'd be up to the Chinese to save them/achieve regime change.
• #1691
pretty much any appeal to ethics would have bite against the crew currently acting in violation of them.
And I imagine reading any form of political philosophy would make an improvement too. I remember finding Kant very dogmatic and, well, difficult, and therefore didn't read much beyond our A-level texts.
• #1692
As with May's ignorant dismissal of the idea of a 'citizen of the world'
Both May and Trump need to read some fucking Socrates. (Or Plutarch, where the quote comes from)
• #1693
If there's any hope of Trump actually understanding the concept of morality he'd be better off starting with Roald Dahl. Or maybe watch a few episodes of Scooby Doo.
• #1695
Dear xxxxxx
Parliament is going to debate the petition you signed – “Prevent Donald Trump from making a State Visit to the United Kingdom.”.
The debate is scheduled for 20 February 2017.
Once the debate has happened, we’ll email you a video and transcript.
The Petitions team
UK Government and Parliament -
• #1696
• #1698
You being ironic? I think it's quite an amazing letter. The US is being compared to some very interesting peers.
• #1699
no i think it's genuinely classy.
• #1700
Sometimes it's hard to tell which you mean...
But yeah, agreed.
pfff to your liberal hand-wringing!
all you need to remember: