• #1277
Corbyn. I agree with much of what he says and the other bloke represents a shower of self-serving, entitled, duplicitous, illiberal, bullying cunts.
• #1278
I wonder if we will ever be able to disagree with people without calling them cunts
• #1279
^ triggered?
it's the words before it that matter more. cunt.
• #1280
Maybe one day, you cunt.
• #1281
It felt like throwing a cup of water at a burning building.
That's a good way of putting it. I did too but only because the electronic voting meant I couldn't spoil my ballot.
• #1282
Corbyn. I agree with much of what he says and the other bloke represents a shower of self-serving, entitled, duplicitous, illiberal, bullying cunts.
And he's too short.
• #1283
this latest wheeze from the NEC tells you all you need to know about what JC is up against. Cunty McCuntykinses
• #1284
Srs question: as a protest against who?
• #1285
I'm not sure I'd call it a protest but I guess against there not being a better option. Or the current state of the Labour Party.
I do think Smith is better but they both seem like bad options for totally different reasons.
I suppose what I wanted was 'none of the above'.
• #1286
It's fucking amateur hour all round, both sides, top to bottom
• #1287
Shirly the ghost of Nick 'I'll sacrifice any principle to gain office' Clegg is a very apt cautionary tale for Labour as they try and put socialist lipstick on a genetically Blairite pig that may have also been fucked by a few Tories in his time as a prime specimen of lobbyist Cunt?
• #1288
I've probably inspired greater use of the word 'cunt' by pointing out how much it's bandied about - but genuinely, how is the Labour party not going to split when a lot of the people supporting JC think that the rest of the PLP are pretty much scum? Is there any way back when the level of discourse has sunk so low?
• #1289
Strong. I am in!
• #1290
look around you. everyone's a cunt - it's why we come here.
sadly i think you're probably right about the party splitting, however i also think it's worth considering why people think the PLP are scum and that perhaps a labour party without them is possibly the only option. disenfranchising members, calling them 'trots', 'nazi stormtroopers' and 'lunatics' whilst undermining their own democratic process isn't going to sit well with many.
• #1291
Blairite pig
He's a shit choice, but he's not this. The blairite slur has lost all meaning now, it basically means anyone who's not Corbyn. We all hate Blair, that's fine. But to write off the 12 (?) years of labour government totally, is just useless. They weren't all Blairites. They were the Labour Party.
Corbyn may have voted, and spoken, against everything the Blair Government did, but he was still part of the Labour Party, was allowed to speak openly, and there was no suggestion that he or anyone like him would be de-selected for disagreeing.
• #1292
how is the Labour party not going to split when a lot of the people supporting JC think that the rest of the PLP are pretty much scum? Is there any way back when the level of discourse has sunk so low?
They started it.
• #1293
Smith's suggestions of ways to block or delay Brexit, versus Corbyn saying the vote should be respected, has I think just won Corbyn the election, in case there was still any doubt.
• #1294
really? that alone would make me vote for Smith (if I had a vote...)
• #1295
Because you think you should ignore democracy when it doesn't match your opinion?
• #1296
Anyone who joined to vote for Corbyn will vote for Corbyn regardless of what he says about Brexit. He could win on his current base regardless.
Anyone who isn't sure, possibly including: long term Labour members who may have joined under Kinnock, or may have left the party but rejoined recently, the traditional working class base, mainly from the North, most of these people will have voted for Brexit. So Corbyn has played it quite cleverly here: being ambiguous over brexit, and then declaring he respects the vote to leave, gives him a win / win situation.
• #1297
I'm still going with the fact that The Pythons nailed this shit 30 years ago.
The section on political satire should sound very familiar.
• #1298
if I had a vote
It might be too late, but hell, join and vote if you can. If we're going to split, we may as well split with the biggest mandate to split in history.
• #1299
They started it.
...and if anyone was unpersuaded that we had regressed to the playground...
• #1300
By the same token, I think calling most of everyone in the PLP 'Blairite scum' isn't very helpful. There's a debate to be had about strategy, and it's reasonable to disagree over whether the party should tack left or tack to the centre. But the level of vitriol flying around means that those views probably now won't ever be reconciled.
I also voted for smith. I dont even really know why. I dont want either of them