• #6376
• #6377
But they also didn't put in they would NOT have to vote on it if you want to be trollin' ;)
So I don't know how such things are weighed if there's no precedent. Either way, well done to all involved :/
• #6378
But they also didn't put in they would NOT have to vote on it if you want to be trollin' ;)
Oh, it's a perfectly cogent argument:
Parliament missed its chance not once, no, but several times.
If we gave it a vote now, we'd be rubbing Parliament's noses in our munificence.
Can't allow that to happen, it would only undermine Parliament.
• #6379
I had to look up munificence...bloody furrigners... (me) ;)
Joking aside, what do you do if a law isn't clear? Because I'd say because it isn't clear, you can't assume? Or are omissions always taken as "you didn't put it in, so it doesn't count" in UK law?
No mention either that it's an ADVISORY referendum and now somehow it's not anymore... ;)
• #6380
Don't ask me, ask a lawyer. :)
With my very superficial understanding of the law (close to zero) I always thought the Government's case completely illogical and therefore weak, although, of course, the law isn't always logical.
• #6381
Professors from the prestigious London School of Economics (LSE)
/narrows eyes
• #6382
Bloody foreign air, coming over here, polluting our cities, when will it stop??!1!?
• #6383
Some useful insights here (actually, it's quite funny)
• #6384
If there was only a sort of cooperation between nations that could prevent one country polluting another...
• #6385
Some useful insights here
Natasha Beddignfield trivia was useful for the pub quiz
• #6386
Following the "Brexist Mean's Brexit" debacle, Ukip continues its relentless war against accurate signs: https://twitter.com/AdamBienkov/status/805812793828147205
• #6387
Labour opposition day motion:
• #6388
Have Labour hired Scoble as their new communications officer?
• #6389
hired Scoble as their new communications officer;
whilst noting that other factors impinge on his use of English; respecting the rights of others forumengers to be lampooned; admires the beauty of baby blue fixies; pukes on a cock; all the time remembering that this is London's famous London my friend; purchases mink coats; and calls on hippy to merge all the semi-colon separated sub-clauses.
• #6390
Arron Banks currently on Twitter telling Mary Banks he knows more about Roman history than her.
The source of his expertise? Childhood education and: "I regularly visit Rome I love it."
This is dire.
• #6391
I've bought lots of insurance and have had lunch with @WornCleat, ergo I'm an expert in insurance.
• #6392
Chocolate teapot Labour.
If correct, you know how people get misquoted, it looks Labour won't even block article 50 if they don't get guarantees on the worker rights they want protected.
• #6394
I feel vindicated in cancelling my direct debit to labour this weekend, useless twats desperately trying to hold on to a few racist voters in Sunderland (joking)
but there still not getting anymore of my money.
• #6395
I am very disappoint... I think Corbyn is a man of great integrity, and the party is on the way to where it should be.
But they have to show some balls here and just outright say "lookit, you voted for exiting the EU BUT BUT BUT if you do xyz we won't stand for it" and they won't do that.
The way this is going it's going to be Greens and Libdems... I can't stick the true socialists anymore either, all I hear from social stuff in NI is "well it's part EU funded".
Bah. It almost turns me neoliberal. I'm off to puke in the bin laters ;)
• #6396
I feel, based on no evidence at all labour are massively Miss judging there position(not least of all with most of there new ish members) The thousands of people in the north that voted out weren't labour voters, they were people that don't vote. They might vote now, but there never going to vote for labour however ukip light they try to go.
• #6397
Well, there's a few options:
Completely resist (libdems) due to lies/situation is more clear
Only resist if the new agreements mean harm to workers etc. (Labour)
Give up and listen to ubersturmfuehrer [edit called out for that, shall we just call her priviliged rich woman with anti immigrant and authoritarian stances then?] MayIf Labour was very strongly voicing they won't vote for Article50 if it's clear it's going to harm their voters/the UK/workers fair nuff, but it's extremely wishy-washy.
All this for an ADVISORY referendum, on a massively complex issue with a ton of misinformation... :/
• #6398
ubersturmfuehrer May
Comparing someone who last week pledged to guarantee the rights of EU citizens living in the UK, to a regime that gassed 6,000,000 Jews, makes you look idiotic.
• #6399
A good summary of the Banks/Beard discussion here
• #6400
She's willing to ignore parliament, fascist in my book.
The Nazi bit, fair enough, I'll take that back.
Oh and BTW...
Anti refugee (see G4S scandals)
Anti immigrant in her home office role
Poster vans with "just report yourself illegal immigrant" under her watch
Didn't reign in that women with her "publish how many foreign workers you have" proposalI wouldn't call her immigrant friendly yet.