• #6002
I have this in my head
Except instead of 'Lisa needs braces' Marge says 'Brexit means breakfast'.
So it goes
Brexit means breakfast
Brexit means breakfast
Brexit means breakfast
Brexit means breakfast
Brexit means breakfastPlease send help.
• #6003
Fuck me the leavers they interviewed truly are assholes.
"We jumped and SO WILL YOU".
Can't imagine everyone is like that, but come on now... this is a great offer!
• #6004
Brexit campaigners in Britain reacted with anger to the idea, arguing that it would discriminate against Leave voters and that it was “an outrage”.
Why is it an issue if you don't want to be a EU citizen you don't have to. The thing that makes me sad is that if it was offered, it still won't be available to younger / future generations (one would asusme).
• #6005
Yeah, I didn't get that argument either.
• #6006
This is a genius idea.
• #6007
I just came here to post that, please let it be true.
• #6008
Discriminating against people based on their political views shows
there are no depths the EU will not sink to.”There's not a fucking hint of self awareness or joule of activity going on inside that brain, is there?
Those awful Europeans, offering British people the opportunity to live and work in their countries... What will they do next-shelter refugees or something?! The fucking filthy, discriminatory bastards.
• #6009
I'm wondering for how long this English Brexit thing will carry on, and how many careers related to it will produce...
• #6010
Well, at least the American's look like they might have taken the limelight off us for a bit, playing the trump card.
• #6011
I'm not so sure. Some of the more vocal right wingers in this country are talking about global revolution. "Proof that the west is sick of Islam" "Le Pen is next"
This is going to get a whole load more ugly before it gets better.
• #6012
I can't see them putting this through. Any citizen that signed up could essentiality get free movement without any of the downsides (such that they are). Everybody in the country could sign up and Britain would get free movement by the back door.
• #6013
True, I can see Le Pen winning.
• #6014
The list of places to move to is getting smaller. Stockholm it is.
• #6015
Free movement of UK people to and within the EU could be attractive to EU states and companies, as it will allow them to continue to employ UK nationals. However, if the UK doesn't reciprocate, then it's not going to be able to work/trade within the single market. I think this might be a situation where the EU benefits from UK labour, but doesn't have to share the benefits of trade tarrifs, easier customs etc. with the UK.
• #6016
Pool our $$ - buy an island - Republic of LFGSS - seat on the UN security council
• #6017
Forget the UNSC,
it's Test status in Cricket that matters. -
• #6018
security council
Locks that work thread >>>>
• #6019
Well, wars are good for the economy...
But WTF I don't know where to go next anymore... maybe staying in NI, watching it so go to shit that it rejoins Republic of Ireland out of sheer necessity is the safe spot.
• #6020
Wars are not good for the economy.
• #6021
Fuck. This cheered me up. It's nice to be reminded occasionally that it could be worse.
• #6022
Germany in the 30s...? ;)
Mostly flippant remark, but there are some fascist/xenophobic tendencies playing everywhere ATM. I hope it won't go THAT far, but not a 100% sure.
• #6023
Have you read Naomi Klein's "The Shock Doctrine"? There's a good argument that wars are good for those sectors of the economy who are cosy with the political establishment.
• #6024
this is why hilary would have been a terrible president
• #6025
Oh please, oh please...