• #31702
It's a failure of critical thinking and education in this country that's fundamentally to blame but voting genuinely with your conscience for Brexit does not give you a free pass.
• #31703
Yeah, I don't understand the whole 'you deserved to get fucked' mentality, especially considering the fact that we're all getting fucked together. People made a bad decision but those people having their lives destroyed is hardly something to celebrate.
The people who still talk of sunlit uplands whilst everything's on fire, I have less time for.
• #31704
Anybody who believed Daniel Hannan and his 'nobody is threatening our place in the Single Market'
shouldn't be in charge of a business. -
• #31705
Anyone who voted for what was wholly predictable was and probably still is a fool.
• #31706
The people who still talk of sunlit uplands whilst everything's on fire, I have less time for.
About 26C here in sunny Spain today.
• #31707
While the Spanish government enjoys my tax money.
• #31708
Some of them were promised the moon on a stick. Some thought it would create opportunities for their company and employees.
I'm not more informed than them, if anything I'm less informed on what political risk can do to a company (since I don't run one). However, as someone only partially informed I knew it that it was an astonishingly bad idea to vote to leave, and that most likely politicians were lying about the outcome.
Yeah, misery on the liars, but anyone who voted to leave because they thought it would be better for their business is probably at least partially using that as an excuse for another reason.
• #31709
• #31710
I'm glad you've managed to find a better situation in life but is it really something to be happy about that you felt you had to escape the country? My wife's French, she broke this year and wants to move home, we always planned to move there at some point but I never thought it would be because my wife can't bear the thought of bringing our kids up here.
If the country gets even worse when I leave I won't be celebrating the fact I got out, I'll just be very sad. My friends and family all live here, I don't want them to live in a country like that.
• #31711
I have to agree with this.
Re. The promises the politicians made. I annoys me that anyone believes anything any politician says. At best, I take their statements with a huge pinch of salt - normally I don’t believe a word. Cynical in old age - maybe, but at least I am not always disappointed when the ‘promises’ don’t come true.
• #31712
Oh I'm very sad. But honestly the grass is greener and I've only one life. I grew up in Europe and while my passport is British, I have always been European, I wasn't prepared to loose that.
I wouldn't bring my kid up in the UK. Maybe Wales or deep Scotland. Enjoy France!
• #31713
but also a lot of people who voted, genuinely, with their conscience.
And that make sense, why would you not want to keep funding the NHS? People genuinely do believe this and not really a fault of them, just the politicians who lie to push thr agenda of sovereignty.
Had I not known better, I’d have voted to Leave considering how heavily reliant I am on the NGS (being disabled).
• #31714
But did people GENUINELY vote with their conscience? Did they believe the spin the politicians gave them? Did they believe the lies they were told?
It’s far too late to cry over spilt milk now but the referendum, in my eyes, was too close to be allowed the country to leave. It was not a clear mandate.
I love the idea that politicians can say anything and never be put to task over it. In ‘normal’ jobs or situations you will normally be in some form of trouble for lying or misrepresenting the truth whether HR in the workplace or Trading Standards over an ad etc. -
• #31715
Did they believe the spin the politicians gave them?
You be surprised! Don’t forget we have a very privileged community here and somehow take it for granted that there’s a lots of people who genuinely think Boris doing a good jobs just by the word coming out of his mouths.
• #31716
Probably a lack of compassion on my behalf.
My gripe with them is that they willingly chose to ignore all facts, wanted their cake and eat it (sovereignty whilst maintaining all the benefits of being in the EU), it takes arrogance to gamble your life and millions of others away like that and it mainly stemmed from greed. At least she admitted that she was dumb enough to believe them which takes something I guess.
• #31717
Never underestimate the stupidity of the public.
• #31718
I get your point re the community here. It still galls me that anyone is so gullible to believe a politician. That accompanied by some targeted ‘marketing’ to sell the ideas to push Brexit through. The focus on the spirit of world wars, an island nation etc etc. The world has somewhat moved on from that but, obviously, there are enough believers left who carried the vote. It saddens me that there are so many people with the insular view in the country - it does not surprise me though.
• #31719
Ultimately a referendum with no plan and no accountability where every campaign can say whatever leads to this.
One of the previous security guys at work voted for it te the NHS. I explained to him 350 million a week in a country of 80 million is easy to get by letting me and others pay a little bit more tax.
I could see he never though about it that way.
• #31720
Hard to make any sense of NHS funding in NI. Try phoning for an ambulance …. maybe don’t.
• #31721
NI was an afterthought in Brexit anyway... but he believed it.
Egh don't get me started, there IS an NHS plan but with the DUP not sitting it can't be signed off. And cHunt will inflict austerity v2 on everyone...
NHS is a huge mess here, but sure, let's not sit in government and the Cons refuse to delay the election which is going to return DUP as biggest unionist party again.
I mean, it's part their mess with Brexit but again we must suffer 😡
• #31722
What clinches it for me was the sheer selfishness of most decisions. Not what would be best for everyone. I can forgive a poor decision (I make enough) but the greed and lack of empathy from so many people in their decision which way to vote gets me.
• #31723
"I've met the man on the street, he's a cunt" Sid Vicious
• #31724
Sid was a hero of mine.
• #31725
Elections soon. I think they have another few days before it’s all binned again. Bloody politicians ….
How so? Some of them were promised the moon on a stick. Some thought it would create opportunities for their company and employees.
There were plenty of hateful cunts in the debate but also a lot of people who voted, genuinely, with their conscience. I find it hard to wish misery on people like that. Wish the misery on the cunts who lied to them.