• #27227
One would hope that the Government would just run out of lawyers over this (perhaps this is Cummings' incredibly clever intention!!1!), but I expect they'll retain enough useful idiots like Braverman who'll make up for the exodus of braver men.
• #27228
special envoy on media freedom: Ironic considering the UK doesn't rank so well on press freedom, but fair play to her for volunteering.
And resigning.But yeah, it seems like this brazen spirit/letter of the law breaking is just pushing out the people that are willing to have principles, be it old school Tory or civil servant or anybody else.
Stay and try to fix it and be compromised, or leave and somebody worse gets in...
• #27231
Did the Taxpayer pay for dredging at the Port of Ramsgate
did this 'project' not get that far? -
• #27232
Another case of getting a company loan against a government contract with nice salaries for the directors, then a bankruptcy for the company?
Which means they cannot be directors for 5 years, but who cares, they aren't planning to anyway?
• #27233
Which means they cannot be directors for 5 years
only if they get disqualified
• #27234
Which they won't.
• #27235
Christ I'm looking at the Companies House listing for the Seaborne Freight company Grayling gave the millions to. I wouldn't have touched it with a barge pole. None of the directors have proper addresses and you've got people like John Edmund Paul Sharp who's got 5 previous shipping companies all dissolved or liquidated
• #27236
Shame you can’t trace how much he donated to Conservative Party funds...
• #27237
if it's the same bloke, he declared bankruptcy in May last year.
• #27238
Jaysus, so zero due diligence on the loans then?
• #27239
ahahaha, that's a good one
They are giving £100m+ contracts to companies that have existed for 4 weeks, you think they care about due diligence
• #27240
It's crossing streams but:
None of the directors have proper addresses
Is a big part of what they are showing with how we are the money washing capital of the world with the stuff released earlier in the week, I read something along the lines of they searched companies house and there is something like 4,000 companies with "xxxx" as the director
• #27241
Heh :D
Should we start an LFGSS Irish Sea Pedal Cycle company? Bit of smuggling in stuff from NI, just need to convince the government :p
• #27242
But if you are a single self employed person in the UK actually following rules and getting paid in bank transfers, not cash, you better be careful as HMRC will go for you.
And no furlough cash for you.
• #27243
These scandals make my heart ache. There's a level of organised corruption in the UK that makes a banana republic look like a co-op
• #27244
These scandals make my heart ache. There's a level of organised corruption in the UK that makes a banana republic look like a co-op
Yep, people trot out, you have obviously never been to a corrupt country and give examples where you have to bribe local officials to get simple things done or pay off a policeman to wave a speeding fine but don't seem to get we don't have that, we just do it at a mega-corp and government level
The part I hate, is I can't see how it will ever change while those with the ability to deliver change, benefit the most from the status quo
• #27245
I feel exactly the same. So frustrating and I know it sounds naive, but just so unfair. It's heartbreaking
• #27246
World beating.
We're nothing more than a laundromat with compromat service washes.
• #27247
Which was restrained, to a degree, by our EU membership. Come the first of Jan the gloves are off.
• #27248
None of the directors have proper addresses
This is pretty much standard nowadays. Most use accountants' or solicitors' addresses. I can see why people would prefer not to have their date of birth and home address in the public domain.
• #27249
Very popular with sole traders sure but if I was awarding £14m to a company I'd at least expect them to have an office and a landline number.
• #27250
Kent Access Permits are now a thing. I wonder if they are blue like the passports?
Fujitsu? Deloitte? Fat contracts and over time and budget incoming...