• #26602
Net immigration accounts for like 0.2% population growth year on year, it's basically a rounding error. It's clearly not the cause of those issues.
0.2 population growth maybe but 56% of population growth.
{ edit: I think 0.2 is wrong anyway, more like 0.4% }
• #26603
That paper is referencing (twice) Migration Watch UK, a think tank with the standard opaque funding which is dedicated to vilifying immigration. Which is interesting.
• #26604
Sure MigrationWatch are probably highly bias (being both a think tank and campaign group) but their paper here is used as an example of evidence at one end of a scale. In context that’s entirely fair.
• #26605
Here are the ceilings for these jobs
Take the job or nothing
UC? Take job or sanction
No social mobility no chance to get outWhen is the revolution? Really.
• #26606
her parents have made a worthwhile contribution to Britain
I'm pretty sure that contributing Priti Patel is the opposite of worthwhile.
• #26607
Possibly. Their figures are likely to be bollocks though, which the researchers I would imagine know. If you were writing a paper about bias, I can see why you'd include them, but not if you are using their figures without comment and are therefore legitimising them.
• #26608
I don’t think there are a glut of relevant studies (which may explain their inclusion) and it’s possible their methodology has checked-out … but fair point.
I would discount the MigrationWatch numbers.
• #26609
The way it works with Conservative plans over the past ten years has been this:
- Politician says dumb fascistic thing, ie, 'all vegetables must be
from Britain' - Outcry as left-wing people point out that reality works different,
while right-wing papers talk about how brilliant the new policy is - The policy is taken away to be looked at for a number of months, and
either comes back in a slightly less dumb way, or is 'pending review' - People who don't read the papers think that the policy is now law
because they read about it, oooh, ages ago - People who do pay attention to the news are provoked into being
outraged about something else, and forget to fight the new slightly
less dumb version of the policy
We're firmly at stage 2 here. Don't forget that the UK and the EU are doing some big trade talks, so the UK needs to show that it is totally tough and wants to go it alone. There's room for some deals to be cut there, but that depends on how much of a fucking idiot the post-Brexit trade guy is
- Politician says dumb fascistic thing, ie, 'all vegetables must be
• #26610
I think 0.2 is wrong anyway, more like 0.4%
Depends where you start measuring from
• #26611
Just to hammer home how mental the UK housing market is, because it infuriates me as a nearly-30yo spending a solid 42% of my income on rent/CT alone. Population:
It's fucking insane. Population growing exponentially since the 70s but rate of housebuilding has approximately HALVED over the same period. Similarly NHS budget has been going down (after inflation) for the last decade before you even consider the population growth.
• #26612
New system, shortage list.
So you get "locals" on minimum wage, but immigrants on 20.4K? That's going to cause bad blood... ideally the wage go up, but will they?
• #26613
Most people don't pay attention to detail, so a big trade climbdown nobody notices may happen as per 2/3.
Too bad brand UK is severely damaged by then and so is the economy and mood... :(
• #26614
I got 50 points, time to pack my bags
• #26615
I scored 10 points.
• #26616
How do you score only 10 when I score 30.
• #26617
I got 70
• #26618
Yes, exactly. The big Irish deal that Johnson ‘pulled off’ was quite a climb down, which is why the DUP was entirely fucked off with him. If you though our ranking in Eurovision was bad because of politics wait until you see how the brexit talks go.
• #26619
So did I. Fat lot of good that PhD did you, eh?
• #26620
I got a measly 50
• #26621
I knew that when I got it.
• #26622
Population growing exponentially
If you're going to use graphs and maths and shit, please don't use exponentially in a hyperbolic* fashion.
No way does your top curve show exponential growth. It doesn't even look linear, let alone polynomial, heaven forbid exponential.
• #26623
Actually. The competitive prick in me made me check, I am (tekkerz) a desired person. I got 90.
• #26624
More important: why are graphic designers held in such high regard?
• #26625
They make the charts
It’s not that simple: https://migrationobservatory.ox.ac.uk/resources/briefings/the-fiscal-impact-of-immigration-in-the-uk/