• #21027
The three people in the back page are interesting.
A lady who recently called for viewing child porn to become legal, a lady who owns a fishing fleet company who believes that the UK fishing industry is fucked because of quotas and a young man who seems to enjoy pointing out that it is in fact the "leftists" who are the racists.
• #21028
That lady is also an IRA violence apologist. There is provoking people with unpalatable ideas (sometimes necessary) and excusing people dying, and I can only comment on that with swearwords as a journalist got shot on Good Friday in London/Derry.
The EU dropped the law that bycatch must be dumped so you don't go over quotas. Quotas are a complex and imperfect system, I can imagine that if you see loads of fish one year it is frustrating you can't just catch more. Maybe more input of fisheries is needed? But does she want to fix it or... I don't know what to think.
I also see leftish calling the EU racist because Freedom of Movement so happens to be mostly white people...cos originally the EU is pretty white. Though that is slowly changing and a black Dutch Muslim person gets the exact same FOM as a white Atheist Dutchie.
But if he thinks that all the attacks originate in the left, well lol, no. The pull towards nativism in -some- of the Labour leadership is still for fear of losing votes I think. Brexit/UCrap has ruined the conversation.
• #21029
Also, if I want to negotiate something - buy or sell a house or bike, say - then 'no deal' is perfectly reasonable. I'm not being offered what I had hoped to be offered; I think I'll keep the house, thanks.
With leaving the EU, we have already agreed to leave. We can leave well or badly, but we'll still leave. So it's dishonest to portray 'no deal' as the common-sense option that always stays on the table and both parties are fully aware of it.
This idea has been gaining ground, backed by 'sensible' business types, that it's daft to rule it out. Normally it is; here it isn't.
Just saying ....
• #21030
I can imagine that if you see loads of fish one year it is frustrating you can't just catch more.
(I know this isn't your argument but) Almost certain that any increase in fish stocks is because of quotas allowing a breeding level of fish to return. This view is like a student being on a budget for a month and building up a meager amount of savings, then wondering why they can't just spend all the money the next month and still have the same money the following month as well ...
• #21031
Yep, totally. But I don't know if many fishers are actually given any education on how quotas do work.
Perhaps the media picks the usual "extremer" opinions, but I get the impression that the people they speak to (and that includes some local politicians) don't grasp much of how quota work.
I am clearly not an expert either, but it is surprising if the level of knowledge is that low that even such basics are not understood.
Which would make even MORE cynical to keep spreading half truths to get votes, but hei ho, maybe fisheries woman has some actual good arguments. I don't know of her. [and I am feeling charitable ;)]
• #21032
Had to smile at the brexit party flyer with a picture of Forage and the slightly ambiguous ‘our country deserves better leadership’
• #21033
And we have our first independent candidate in NI standing on an anti - brexit platform. Ex women coalition candidate, about a million miles away from FarTage/BrexShit party.
• #21034
I also see leftish calling the EU racist because Freedom of Movement so happens to be mostly white people
Nah, we call the EU racist because whilst its approach to migration within its own borders is fine, its approach to migration from without its own borders is a horrorshow, particularly in relation to migrants attempting to cross the Mediterranean.
• #21035
Polling Card through the post this morning.
• #21036
a lady who owns a fishing fleet company who believes that the UK fishing industry is fucked because of quotas
Is that what she does? Google suggests the 'Lowestoft Fish Market Alliance', I've not found that they own ships - it sounds like a local representative group of fishmongers... They sound very much like they'd have a secret handshake.
• #21037
She's the MD of BFP Eastern, who supply fuel, equipment and brokerage services to the fleet
• #21038
Aah I see - the Lowestoft Fish Market Alliance isn't her main gig.
• #21039
BFP are local to Lowestoft and it's not a big gig, but it processes the sale of almost all of the fish that is landed there so it certainly has a valid interest in UK fishing! Recent company accounts indicate it makes her ~50 to 80k per year.
• #21040
I was like why did they add the 87% labour voted for second ref, until I realised it was suppose to be negative.
• #21041
Other EU countries took massively more refugees (not that they had a choice) while the UK went "we are not in Schengen" and even refused undocumented child refugees.
It is easy to complain when the main streams go to mainland Europe as the UK is too far out.
Then there is Windrush, hostile environment, etc.. the UK has structural racism too.
The refugee deal with Turkey is unacceptable btw and I rather see the UK IN to block any more of that and actually have a positive impact.
• #21042
When I say 'EU immigration policy is a racist horrorshow' I include the UK, as the UK remains part of the EU. I may be anti-EU but that doesn't make me pro-UK. That's a false binary.
The conversation around immigration when it comes to Europe is very inward looking and back-patting (Hooray for FoM, aren't we progressive!). But its policies towards migration across the Med (returning boat loads of refugees to Libya for instance) are a fucking disgrace. If Trump tried to pull that shit he would rightly be excoriated. Building a wall looks pretty moderate in comparison.
• #21043
I can't disagree that the migration across the Med policies are not just.
I didn't say you are pro UK.
The Netherlands got no choice, and things are actually fine. All these scare stories sold by the UK press are just that, my parents live in a city with a large refugee center and the major stood up for a family that was going to be unjustly evicted. The town is behind him.
And Trump got lots of criticism for separation of children, Australia gets lots of their isolation of refugees on an off shore island.
The question is really how to change from "fortress Europe / UK / USA / Australia etc. " to "welcome, come on in" because those return policies would not exist if the electorate rejects them. Like Spain which is very refugee friendly.
I'd like to see the UK play a role in that, at least with the upcoming EU elections we can send refugee friendly MEPs in.
• #21044
The question is really how to change from "fortress Europe / UK / USA / Australia etc. " to "welcome, come on in" because those return policies would not exist if the electorate rejects them.
You can’t. Most westerners see the first job of government to protect borders, the second to collect bins.
There might need to be an honest conversation about what constitutes a refugee (rather than deliberately making the process so cruel and dangerous). And certainly ending support/involvement in the regime change wars that make mass migration inevitable.
• #21046
Brexit panel with pro Brexiters mostly and a whole one person that knows a bit about Ireland to advice the government. Is this groundhog day? I think it is...
• #21047
Most westerners see the first job of government to protect borders, the second to collect bins.
I will quote this all the time from now on. Possibly attributing it to Oscar Wilde.
• #21048
Brexit behind closed doors on bbc4 NOW (9pm)
• #21049
Annunziata Rees-Mogg? Fucking hell, talk about how to fuck your child over with a name...
• #21050
More like: "how to demonstrate that if you are well-born even giving them a fucking terrible name will not fuck up your kid's chances of success"
Ah, a property magnate advocating to use "no deal". Of course, he'll snap up everything for nothing if a "no deal" wrecks shitloads of people's finances, leading to bankruptcy and a property crash. Then he can charge the appropiate rent if they don't want to end up homeless as well...
He does "deals for a living" so that's OK then.